Miami-Dade Housing Agency
Public Housing Division

Property Address: 11341 SW 216th St, Miami, FL 33170
Municipality: Unincorporated Miami-Dade
Year Constructed: 1976
Property Size:
12.35 acres  
Total Number of Units: 184
Units by Bedroom Size:
40 2-bedroom (880 sq. ft.)
100 3-bedroom (1140 sq. ft.)
35 4-bedroom (1370 sq. ft.)
9 5-bedroom (1378 sq. ft.)
Property Description: 2-story townhouse-style buildings with hurricane/security screens
Management Office: 11341 SW 216 Street (onsite)
Phone: 786-293-0128
Onsite-Service: Arthur Mays community center and daycare
Site was named after Arthur Mays, a prosperous African-American landowner who
donated land for a school for residents