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For Immediate Release:
October 24, 2014
Media Contact:
Gayle Love
[email protected]

Frank Calderon
[email protected]

Roadway Construction Report
Week of October 27, 2014 through November 02, 2014

Drive Safely!

As of September 23, all tolls on the Rickenbacker and Venetian Causeways are collected electronically via SunPass. C-Pass transponders or cash will no longer be accepted.  For more information, please visit

Roadway Construction/Closure Activities:

•    Rickenbacker Causeway Toll Plaza – Project No. 20130218: The scope of work consists of all operations necessary for the improvement to Rickenbacker Causeway Toll Plaza in accordance with the Contract Documents. Work includes but is not limited to the milling, resurfacing, signalization, signing, and pavement markings. Additional improvements include the construction of bike lanes along SW 26 Road from South Miami Avenue to Brickell Avenue, and the installation of the east crosswalk for the signal at SW 26 Road and US-1. Construction is anticipated to be completed by February 2015. Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times. Detour: Motorists are advised to follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs.
•    Virginia Key North Shared-Use Path – Project No. 20130036: Work includes but is not limited to the improvements to Virginia Key consisting of the installation of a shared use path along Virginia Key to the existing bike trails on the north limits of the island. Mainline Closure: The area impacted is on Rickenbacker Causeway from Mast Academy thru Virginia Beach, the work is mostly on the shoulder areas and the MOT will have a minimal impact on cyclists and motorists. Construction is anticipated to be completed by October 24, 2014. Detour: Motorists are advised to follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs.
•    Venetian Causeway – Weight limits on the Venetian Causeway have been lowered from 15 tons to 11 tons on all bridges except the West Venetian Bascule Bridge. The weight limit on the West Venetian Bascule Bridge has been lowered to 5 tons until further notice. 
•    Improvements to the Miami Avenue Bridge over the Miami River – Project No. 20130144: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, performing improvements to the bridge as delineated in the proposed design plans, including the following: repair concrete sidewalk joint at approaches and joints at toe of bascule leaves; replace entire existing 5” open steel grating; strengthen and modify the existing span lock support brackets and install new span lock support brackets; replace new span lock assemblies; repair web cracks and welds in Bascule Span Main Girders; replace the existing hydraulic cylinder rod bushing; measure trunnion alignment and install new trunnion hub turned bolts; replace cylinder pressure relief valves and all rod bushing, seals and pipe fitting; remove and dispose of the existing traffic gates and furnish and install new traffic gates; install new lateral bracing hanger; perform spot repairs as well as overcoat all existing and new structural steel members of Bascule spans; re-grout base of cylinder support platform; re-anchor cylinder pedestal anchor bolts in concrete wall; re-shim shoe and replace existing elastomeric pads on Live Load Shoes; perform detail design of the Control System modifications; furnish and install new Motor Control Center(MCC) for Span Locks; provide new span lock Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) motors; modify Control System and Console for new span locks; provide new navigation lights; and provide all disconnect switches, limit switches, heaters, conductors, wire, conduits and enclosures in accordance with and as delineated in the plans.  Construction is anticipated to be completed by March 2015.  Mainline Closure: Motorists are advised to expect delays, seek alternate routes or follow the maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    Broadmanor Road from NW 33rd Avenue to NW 92nd Street – Project No. 20130173: Will improve traffic safety at NW 33rd Avenue and NW 92nd Street. Construction is anticipated to be completed by November 2014. Working hours will be Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. No mainline road closing foreseen, therefore no alternate route is necessary.
•    South Miami Avenue from SW 25th Road to SW 21st Road.- Project No. 20140074: Work includes the construction and installation of drainage structures, pipes, pipe culverts, French drain, miscellaneous drainage improvements, grading, sodding, and  miscellaneous roadway restoration, including construction of concrete curbs and gutters and sidewalks where needed, in accordance with the construction plans and specifications provided. Construction is anticipated to be completed by April, 2015. Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    Tamiami Lakes Park-SW 132nd Avenue and SW 20th Street¬- Project No. 20140022: Work includes, but is not limited to, furnishing and installing swale blocks. Work also includes curbs, sodding and all necessary work in order to obtain a functional permeable pavement. Construction is anticipated to be completed by November, 2014. Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    SW 27 Avenue from Tigertail Avenue to SW 28 Terrace – Project No. 20120032: Work includes, but is not limited to, reconstructing the existing two-lane road with raised landscaped medians, on-street parking, bike lanes, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drainage system, signalization, traffic calming circle, pavement markings and signage, decorative lighting and demolition of a building encroaching into the right-of-way.  The work of this project also includes, but is not limited to, furnishing and installing ductile iron water mains along SW 27 Avenue between Tigertail Avenue and Coconut Avenue, City of Miami, Florida. Construction is anticipated to be completed by June 30, 2015.  Mainline Closure: Closure to West of SW 30 Street (Bird Avenue) from Monday September 29 thru Friday October 24, 2014 due to installation of 12” ductile iron water line between the BP Fuel Station and Flanigan’s Bar & Grill and the roadway construction within the referenced limits.  All eastbound traffic shall be detoured from SW 27th Avenue.  Alternate north/south routes shall be provided through SW 32nd Avenue (both north & south), Virginia Street (both north & south), Mary Street and Center Street (both north & south).  Note: Southbound traffic along SW 27th Avenue shall be directed west at Coconut Avenue and “Local Traffic Only” signs will be posted at Center Street in efforts to route truck/tractor-trailer detour traffic west to Virginia Street.  Motorists are advised to expect delays, seek alternate routes or follow the maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.  
•    SW 48th Street from SW 97th Avenue to SW 107th Avenue – Project No. 20130280: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, the following: adjustment of valve boxes and manholes; milling and resurfacing; and pavement markings. Construction is anticipated to be completed by December 2014.  Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times. Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route. 
•    SW 72nd Street from SW 117th Avenue to SW 127th Avenue – Project No. 20130169: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, the following: adjustment of valve boxes and manholes; milling and resurfacing; and pavement markings. Construction is anticipated to be completed by November 2014.  Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    SW 72nd Street and SW 127th Avenue – Project No. 20120013-R: This project will improve traffic safety at the designated location.  Construction is anticipated to be completed by December 2014.  Working hours will be Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm.  No mainline road closure is foreseen; therefore no alternate route is necessary. 
•    SW 132nd Avenue to SW 133rd Avenue from SW 43rd Street to SW 47th Street - San Sebastian – Project No. 20130157:  The scope of work for this project is to alleviate flooding problems due to ineffective drainage infrastructure within the project boundaries. This project consists of the construction of an exfiltration system to handle stormwater runoff from a 5-year storm event, which is the model storm event used to design residential drainage systems. Construction is anticipated to be completed by December 2014.  No mainline road closure is foreseen; therefore, no alternate route is necessary.
•    SW 152nd Street from SW 67th Avenue to SW 89th Court – Project No. 20130244: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, the following: adjustment of valve boxes and manholes; milling and resurfacing; and pavement markings. Construction is anticipated to be completed by November 2014. Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    SW 157th Avenue from SW 184th Street to SW 152nd Street – Project No. 20100678: This roadway improvement project includes roadway widening, milling and resurfacing, raised (curbed) median, construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, drainage system; roadway lighting system, pavement markings, and signage.  Construction is anticipated to be completed by March 2016.  Mainline Closure: Motorists are advised to expect delays, seek alternate routes or follow the maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    SW 176th Street from SW 107th Avenue to US-1 – Project No. 20130235: This roadway improvement project consists of reconstructing the existing roadway to include a raised landscaped median, bicycle facilities, sidewalks, curb and gutter, a continuous storm drainage system, signalization, two traffic circles, pavement markings and signage, and roadway lighting. Construction is anticipated to be completed by July 2015.  Mainline Closure:  Motorists are advised to expect delays, seek alternate routes or follow the maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route. Project No. 20130244: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, the following: adjustment of valve boxes and manholes; milling and resurfacing; and pavement markings. Construction is anticipated to be completed by October 2014. Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    North Miami Avenue from NW 183 Street to Ives Dairy Rd. - Project No. 20130244: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, the following: adjustment of valve boxes and manholes; milling and resurfacing; and pavement markings. Construction is anticipated to be completed by January, 2015.  Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    N 199th ST from NW 2nd Avenue to NE 2nd Avenue – Project No. 20130281: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, the following: adjustment of valve boxes and manholes; milling and resurfacing; and pavement markings. Construction is anticipated to be completed by November 2014.  Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    NE 131st Street from NE 16th Avenue – Project No. 20130273: The scope of work for this project includes, but is not limited to, the construction and installation of drainage structures, French drains, miscellaneous drainage improvements, grading, sodding, and miscellaneous roadway restoration including construction of concrete curb and gutters and sidewalks where needed in accordance with the construction plans and specifications. Construction is anticipated to be completed by October 2014.  No mainline road closure is foreseen; therefore, no alternate route is necessary. 
•    NE 149st Street from NE 14th Avenue to NE 16th Avenue– Project No. 20130273: The scope of work for this project includes, but is not limited to, the construction and installation of drainage structures, French drains, miscellaneous drainage improvements, grading, sodding, and miscellaneous roadway restoration including construction of concrete curb and gutters and sidewalks where needed in accordance with the construction plans and specifications. Construction is anticipated to be completed by December 2014.  No mainline road closure is foreseen; therefore, no alternate route is necessary. 
•    NE 167th Street from NE 9th Avenue to NE 13th Avenue - Project No. 20130281: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, the following: adjustment of valve boxes and manholes; milling and resurfacing; and pavement markings. Construction is anticipated to be completed by November 2014.  Mainline Closure:  This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    NW 22nd Avenue and NW 189th Street – Project No. 20120013-R: This project will improve traffic safety at the designated location.  Construction is anticipated to be completed by October 2014.  Working hours will be Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm.  No mainline road closure is foreseen; therefore no alternate route is necessary. 
•    NW 82nd Avenue from NW 188th Terrace to NW 192nd Street – Project No. 20130282: The scope of work for this project includes, but is not limited to, the construction and installation of drainage structures, French drains, miscellaneous drainage improvements, grading, sodding, and miscellaneous roadway restoration including construction of concrete curb and gutters and sidewalks where needed in accordance with the construction plans and specifications. Construction is anticipated to be completed by December 2014. Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    1428 NW 96 Street – Project No. 20130273: The scope of work for this project includes, but is not limited to, the construction and installation of drainage structures, French drains, miscellaneous drainage improvements, grading, sodding, and miscellaneous roadway restoration including construction of concrete curb and gutters and sidewalks where needed in accordance with the construction plans and specifications. Construction is anticipated to be completed by September 2014.  No mainline road closure is foreseen; therefore, no alternate route is necessary. 
•    NW 96th Street from NW 13th Avenue to NW 14th Avenue – Project No. 20130273: The scope of work for this project includes, but is not limited to, the construction and installation of drainage structures, French drains, miscellaneous drainage improvements, grading, sodding, and miscellaneous roadway restoration including construction of concrete curb and gutters and sidewalks where needed in accordance with the construction plans and specifications. Construction is anticipated to be completed by October 2014.  No mainline road closure is foreseen; therefore, no alternate route is necessary. 
•    NW 37th Avenue from NW 199th Street to NW 213th Terrace - Project No. 20130280: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, the following: adjustment of valve boxes and manholes; milling and resurfacing; and pavement markings. Construction is anticipated to be completed by December 2014.  Mainline Closure:  This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route. 
•    NW 69th Street between NW 32nd Avenue and NW 35th Avenue – Project No. 20130163: The scope of work for this project includes, but is not limited to, the construction and installation of drainage structures, French drains, miscellaneous drainage improvements, grading, sodding, and miscellaneous roadway restoration including construction of concrete curb and gutters and sidewalks where needed in accordance with the construction plans and specifications. Construction is anticipated to be completed by September 2014.  No mainline road closure is foreseen; therefore, no alternate route is necessary. 
•    NW 71 Street from NW 27 Avenue to NW 32 Avenue - Project No. 20130280: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, the following: adjustment of valve boxes and manholes; milling and resurfacing; and pavement markings. Construction is anticipated to be completed by December 2014.  Mainline Closure:  This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route. 
•    NW 87th Avenue from NW 154th Street to NW 186th Street – Project No. 20110194: Roadway widening from two to four lanes, along NW 87 Ave from NW 162 Street to NW 186 Street and construct a new four-lane road, from NW 154 Street to NW 162 Street. The improvements include milling and resurfacing, a raised curbed median, sidewalks, curb and gutters, a continuous storm drainage system, signalization, decorative lighting, bicycle lanes, culvert replacement, pavement markings, and signage. This project also includes the construction of a 36-inch ductile iron water main along NW 87 Avenue, from NW 154 Street to NW 170 Street.  This construction, on behalf of the Water and Sewer Department (WASD), is part of the water transmission system required along NW 87 Avenue. Construction is anticipated to be completed by June 30, 2015. Mainline Closure: Motorists are advised to expect delays, seek alternate routes or follow the maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route. 
•    NW 107th Avenue from NW 43rd Street to NW 58th Street -  Project No. 20140011: Work includes the construction and installation of drainage structures, pipes, pipe culverts, French drain, miscellaneous drainage improvements, grading, sodding, and  miscellaneous roadway restoration, including construction of concrete curbs and gutters and sidewalks where needed, in accordance with the construction plans and specifications provided. Construction is anticipated to be completed by March, 2015.  Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times.  Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.
•    NW 173rd Drive from NW 57th Avenue to NW 47th Avenue – Project No. 20130280: The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, the following: adjustment of valve boxes and manholes; milling and resurfacing; and pavement markings. Construction is anticipated to be completed by November 2014.  Mainline Closure: This is a moving operation and temporary lane closures will impact traffic at times. Detour: Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route or follow the posted maintenance of traffic (MOT) signs or detour route.


Please advise us if you wish for your name to be removed from this distribution list. Thank you.

All information listed above is subject to change if the respective contractor's schedule is altered due to unforeseen circumstances.