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For Immediate Release:
October 04, 2023
Media Contact:
Gianfranco Puppio
[email protected]

Commissioner Cabrera leads effort to streamline and expedite construction permitting processes countywide

MIAMI-DADE – The Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution on Tuesday, Oct. 3, sponsored by Commissioner Kevin Marino Cabrera, to enhance efficiency and expedite the permitting and approval processes for construction and development projects within the County, streamlining permitting processes within municipalities.

“We live in the 21st century, and efficiency is key to addressing the critical issues we face as a county, especially regarding the shortage of affordable housing. We now have the unique opportunity to create a coordinated meeting for permit applicants. This meeting process will bring together all relevant government agencies and officials to collaborate and address any issues arising during the Municipal Review of construction or development projects. I look forward to continuing to innovate and bring ideas that will facilitate the lives of our residents,” said Commissioner Cabrera.

The resolution establishes a policy to collaborate with municipalities and other government agencies to implement processes where permit and land development approval applicants can have a single coordinated meeting with all relevant government bodies.