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For Immediate Release:
March 22, 2024
Media Contact:
District 8
[email protected]

Redo? The Aligned Application to Move the UDB May Need a New Vote

MIAMI-DADE – The Second Judicial Circuit Court of Florida has ruled in favor of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) in a case concerning the expansion of the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) filed by Aligned Real Estate Holdings LLC.

The court's decision, as stated in the ruling, affirms: “It is undisputed that the County decided to adopt the Amendment at a public hearing held on November 1, 2022, after the statutory deadline. Therefore, the Court will enter final summary judgment in favor of the Department on all counts of the Complaint.” The ruling solidifies the importance of adherence to statutory deadlines and underscores the significance of preserving our environment.

Commissioner Cohen Higgins, who led the charge against this project in her District and against moving the UDB, expressed satisfaction with today’s ruling. In a statement following the verdict, Commissioner Cohen Higgins stated:

"Today's ruling affirms the arguments and objections I, and so many others, made for almost a year in 2022 pleading with the board to stop this environmentally disastrous UDB expansion. I stand now, as I did then, for the maintenance of the UDB in this area and for the protection and preservation of our environment. If this issue returns to the board, which I hope it does, I look forward to working with the community, once again, to continue to fight against this project."