Transit Watch
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MDT Transit Watch
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If you see something, say something
Transit Watch is an innovative program that trains Miami-Dade Transit Police and Security Officers in the latest law enforcement techniques and counter-terrorism measures. From increased patrols and electronic surveillance, to unannounced security sweeps of Miami-Dade Transit vehicles and facilities, we take every precaution to ensure the security of our vehicles and passengers.In the event of an emergency, always call 911.

How to use the report form
You can report an issue briefly or provide extra detail and even take a photo and send it directly to Transit Watch. It’s up to you.

  • Take Photo: Send one or more pictures with a report.
  • Type of Incident: Select from one of the listed incident types, or choose “other” to give your own description.
  • Incident Description: Describe the incident via text note or audio note.
  • Incident Date: The app automatically enters the current date and time, but you can set different information if reporting a past incident.
  • Incident Location: Select among the listed locations or choose “Describe Location” to enter your own description.
  • Reported By: You can remain anonymous. If you enter your name and email address or telephone number, you’ll receive updates on actions taken in response to your report.

How the app works

  • Reports submitted through the MDT Transit Watch app go directly to a security dispatcher who can instantly deploy a security guard and, if necessary, notify the police.
  • The app can significantly reduce first-response times. Any security guard at a Metrorail station can be alerted to wait for the identified rail car at the platform on its next stop.
  • You can discreetly text-message ride quality issues using the Chat feature. The person being reported will be unaware of your actions.

Additional features

  • Access to a log of all your reported incidents.
  • Informational videos on how to stay safe while on transit, including how to identify and report unusual or suspicious persons, activities or objects.

You are our eyes and ears
As a vital part of Transit Watch, we rely on our passengers and the general public to be aware of and alert to any suspicious or dangerous activity on Miami-Dade Transit buses and trains. We ask for your help in identifying and reporting such behaviors, including the following:

Suspicious appearance

  • A person or persons wearing clothes unsuitable for the time of year
  • Anything protruding in an unusual manner underneath a person's clothing
  • A person trying to blend in with surroundings, even though he or she appears out of place

Suspicious behavior

  • Nervousness, tension or excessive sweating
  • Individuals abandoning a package and hastily departing the area
  • Walking slowly while surveying the area or running in a suspicious manner
  • Taking unauthorized photos of transit operations and equipment

Suspicious items and packages

  • Electrical wires, switches or electronic devices sticking out of a bag or clothing
  • Unattended bags, packages, boxes or backpacks
  • Unexplained smoke, mist, gas, vapor, odor or leaking fluid
  • Spray bottles or aerosol canisters

Tips for staying safe on trains, buses, and platforms
If you see something suspicious or someone involved in dangerous activity on a Miami-Dade Transit vehicle, call Transit Security at 305-375-2700 (Transit Watch Hotline).

  • Be prepared with a plan to maintain contact with family or friends in the event of an emergency
  • In the event of an emergency, stay calm, listen carefully and follow instructions
  • Notify a train operator from the emergency intercom outside the operator's door at either end of the train
  • Emergency exit procedures are listed on all windows, ceiling escape hatches and doors

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