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Considerations in Assessing the TOD Potential of Intermodal Center Sites

Factors Affecting TOD Potential

Highly Supportive
of TOD
( )

Somewhat Supportive
of TOD
( )

Not Supportive
of TOD
( )

Pedestrian Environment

Area has sidewalks throughout, pedestrian amenities, and development along the streetscape edge

Area has sidewalks throughout and moderate setbacks with limited parking

Area has no sidewalks or limited sidewalks; development has large setbacks with large parking lots

Current and Planned Transit Services

The site is served by several existing bus/rail routes and planned short-term rail or bus rapid transit

The site is served by several existing bus/rail routes and planned long-term rail or bus rapid transit

The site is served by only a few existing bus routes

Mix of Land Uses

The site includes a mix of housing, retail commercial, and employment uses

The site includes a mix of housing and retail commercial

The site is predominately a single land use type

Existing Population Densities

Zone(s) of population in the area already meet or exceed 18.5 persons per acre typical for TOD

Zone(s) of population in the area are between 9.5 and 18.5 persons per acre approaching typical levels for TOD

Zone(s) of population in the area are less than 9.5 persons per acre, substantially less than is typical for TOD

Existing Employment Densities

Zone(s) of employment in the area already meet or exceed 25 employees per acre typical for TOD

Zone(s) of employment in the area are between 12.5 and 25 employees per acre approaching typical levels for TOD

Zone(s) of employment in the area are less than 12.5 employees per acre, substantially less than is typical for TOD

Available or Underutilized Properties for Development

The area has visible vacant properties or buildings

The area has visible commercial developments that are partially vacant or have underutilized parking

The area has few or no visible vacant, partially vacant, or underutilized properties

Recent Development Activity

The area has visible multifamily residential, office, or street edge commercial development that is under construction or has recently been constructed

The area has visible development that is under construction or has been recently constructed

The area has no visible development that is under construction or has been recently constructed

Site Area Description

The site is an existing park-and-ride facility for MDTA that includes surface parking spaces and a bus shelter. The site is bounded on the west by SW 117th Avenue, on the south by SW 152nd Street, and on the north and west by Florida's Turnpike. The development on the northwest and southeast corners of the SW 177th Avenue and SW 152nd Street intersection is auto-oriented and predominately strip commercial. The southwest corner of the intersection is a large parcel that is occupied by the U.S. Coast Guard Communication Station. Building setbacks are moderate to large and include surface parking spaces. Sidewalks are provided along the two major arterials. The site is served by bus routes 24, Coral Way Max, and Bird Road Max, and is not located along any of the planned rapid transit corridors . The area west of Florida's Turnpike includes single-family residential development, with densities less than 3.5 households per acre. Employment densities are also generally low, with one zone that includes the intermodal site and adjacent areas west of 117th Avenue and north of 152nd Street in the 12.5 to 25 employees per acre range. There are no vacant parcels, underutilized properties, or ongoing development activities in the area.

Potential of Existing SW 117th Avenue/152nd Street Area to Support Transit-Oriented Development

Factors Affecting Transit-Oriented Development

Rating for Intermodal Site

Pedestrian Environment

Not Supportive

Current and Planned Transit Services

Not Supportive

Mix of Land Uses

Somewhat Supportive

Household Densities

Not Supportive

Employment Densities

Not Supportive

Available or Underutilized Properties for Development

Not Supportive

Ongoing Development Activity

Not Supportive


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