Miami-Dade Legislative Item
File Number: 131115
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File Number: 131115 File Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Version: 0 Reference: R-706-13 Control: Board of County Commissioners
Requester: NONE Cost: Final Action: 9/4/2013
Agenda Date: 9/4/2013 Agenda Item Number: 11A12
Sponsors: Barbara J. Jordan, Prime Sponsor
  Audrey M. Edmonson, Co-Sponsor
  Dennis C. Moss, Co-Sponsor
Sunset Provision: No Effective Date: Expiration Date:
Registered Lobbyist: None Listed

Legislative History

Acting Body Date Agenda Item Action Sent To Due Date Returned Pass/Fail

Board of County Commissioners 9/4/2013 11A12 Adopted P
REPORT: County Attorney Robert Cuevas read the foregoing proposed resolution into the record. Chairwoman Sosa expressed concern with whether this proposed collection of information would include updating of contractors’ and subcontractors’ performance to guard against their ability to abuse the system. Commissioner Jordan noted this resolution conformed to the existing system in place for information gathering and its sole intent was to consolidate that collection process into one entity. She explained that currently, information was collected by the different departments and eventually submitted to the Small Business Development Division (SBD) of the Internal Services Department (ISD). Commissioner Jordan pointed out that SBD had the capacity and ability to collect the information and more accountability would result from the information going to one department. Mr. Lester Sola, Internal Services Department Director, stated that for any procurement contracts with any type of goal requirement (Community Small Business Enterprise (CSBE), Community Business Enterprise (CBE), or Micro/Small Business Enterprise (SBE), the demographic information was captured by the SBD Division. He explained that this issue dealt with contracts that did not have any goals, in which case, information pertaining to the prime contractor/vendor was captured, voluntarily, by the Procurement Management Services Division of ISD. Mr. Sola said he believed that the intent of this resolution was to merge the databases of SBD and PMS together so information could be accessed in one location. Hearing no further questions or comments, the Board proceeded to vote on the foregoing proposed resolution as presented.

Finance Committee 7/9/2013 2B Forwarded to BCC with a favorable recommendation P
REPORT: Assistant County Attorney Geri Bonzon-Keenan read the foregoing proposed resolution into the record. Commissioner Heyman inquired whether there was currently a central repository for contractor and subcontractor data and whether the Small Business Development Department (SBD) would now be the department responsible to maintain this information. Mr. Lester Sola, Director, Internal Services Department (ISD), explained that this information was currently collected by various County departments depending on the services provided. He noted the ISD data would be merged with the SBD data into a central repository. Mr. Sola indicated that information regarding the ethnicity of vendors registering to conduct business with the County would be maintained. Commissioner Jordan clarified that although ISD collected information, they did not collect all information. She said that ISD started the process of centralizing their its systems, but this would not be completed for up to two years. Commissioner Jordan stated that she previously sponsored legislation requiring ISD to provide a report on companies applying for County contracts according to the owner’s ethnicity and the number of employees; however, this information could not be gathered because the centralized system did not exist. She suggested that the SBD should be the central repository since all County contracts were processed through that department. Hearing no further questions or comments, the Committee members proceeded to vote on this proposed resolution, as presented.

Finance Committee 6/11/2013 2E Deferred to next committee meeting 7/9/2013 P
REPORT: Assistant County Attorney Geri Bonzon-Keenan read the foregoing proposed resolution into the record. Commissioner Heyman said it was an excellent idea to establish a central repository for contractor and subcontractor data; however, inquired whether this information was already collected through the Request for Proposal and Request for Qualification process. Ms. Miriam Singer, Internal Services Department (ISD) Assistant Director responded that data was available on awarded firms for goods and services and construction contracts managed by ISD, including the Miscellaneous Construction Contracts (MCC) programs. She noted that this proposal was for a countywide vendor portal that will collect information from all departments in one central location. Commissioner Heyman noted the Small Business Development Department managing the central repository was duplicating services already being provided by the ISD. She suggested that the foregoing proposed resolution be deferred in order to obtain feedback from Commissioner Jordan regarding her intentions. Commissioner Moss inquired whether procurement data for all County departments would be maintained at a central repository should this proposal be approved. Ms. Singer explained that Phase 1 of the Vendor Portal Project was already being implemented for vendor registration. She said all information regarding procurement opportunities and awards on a countywide basis would be web enabled. Ms. Singer said ISD’s procurement portal maintained information on goods and services awards as well as construction awards that were managed within ISD as well as the MCC Program awards. She clarified that a comprehensive countywide portal was being proposed that will include information on small business development, certification opportunities, affirmative action plan, and advertisements on a countywide basis. Ms. Singer said vendors would go to a single portal for information about contracting opportunities, the results of contract awards, vendor registration, vendor enrollment, application for small business certification and architectural and engineering application prequalification applications. She noted that the centralized system would create efficiencies and easy access for vendors. Commissioner Moss noted keeping information in one location would provide the utilization information needed for disparity studies. He said keeping information in one place this needed to be mandatory for all departments and proceeded to inquire whether all departments would be required to use the repository. Commissioner Moss noted he supported the deferral if the Vendor Portal Project would provide this information, and if not, this proposal was a clear indication that the information needed to be collected in a single location. He said the disparity study was finding it difficult to obtain information from numerous departments throughout the County. Deputy Mayor Edward Marquez responded that the current Administration supported the centralization of information across all County departments. He noted that the new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System will help consolidate all departments using their own accounting systems into one central location. Deputy Mayor Marquez said the intent was to present vendor information in a transparent manner and the process would take some time to complete due to the size of the County and the number of systems needing to be combined. Commissioner Moss inquired whether demographic information will be included and whether a single department would manage the system. Ms. Singer responded that demographic information was currently collected on a voluntary basis and existing data would be incorporated into the new system. She noted that implementation and maintenance of the system was shared between ISD and Information Technology Department (ITD) and all County departments would provide data. Commissioner Moss inquired whether Ms. Singer had spoken to Commissioner Jordan, the sponsor of the foregoing resolution, about this proposal. Ms. Singer responded that she had not spoken with Commissioner Jordan. Commissioner Heyman noted she was aware of the ISD’s goal to coordinate procurement across all County departments into a single database. She said the County shared information with others who used County contracts but not amongst our own departments. Commissioner noted she supported the deferral of the proposal. Commissioners Moss and Heyman asked Deputy Mayor Marquez along with the ISD and ITD representatives to meet with Commissioner Jordan to ensure that the collection of contractor and subcontractor demographic information will be maintained in a single location by all applicable County departments. Hearing no further questions or comments, the Committee proceeded to vote to defer this proposed resolution to the July 9, 2013 Finance Committee meeting.

County Attorney 5/29/2013 Assigned David S. Hope 5/29/2013

County Attorney 5/29/2013 Referred Finance Committee 7/9/2013

Legislative Text


WHEREAS, the Internal Services Department (''ISD'') collects contractor demographic information via vendor registration for new vendors and the Tax Collector�s Office, pursuant to Resolution No. R-869-09; and
WHEREAS, Small Business Development (''SBD'') collects subcontractor demographic information from (i) contractor subcontractor/supplier listing form(s) submitted with its bid, or (ii) program certification applications, pursuant to Ordinance No. 11-90; and
WHEREAS, the County would benefit from a central repository for all contractor and subcontractor demographic information, to be managed by one entity, that could be access by any department,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board: (i) directs the County Mayor or County Mayor�s designee to identify a central repository for contractor and subcontractor demographic information, and make Small Business Development responsible for maintaining said database; and (ii) authorizes the creation and maintenance of, and migration of all contractor and subcontractor demographic information to, said database.

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