11.2: Support community organizations to increase their impact

Miami-Dade’s nonprofit infrastructure has weathered two major crises in the last 15 years: the Great Recession of the mid-2000s, and the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a 2020 survey of local nonprofit organizations by FIU’s Jorge M. Pérez Metropolitan Center, 39% of surveyed organizations noted that they had added COVID-related services, stretching their capacity, while only 45% reported having accessed mostly short-term government loans and more than 50% reported having to cancel or consider canceling or postponing fundraising events, a major source of revenue for them.

The nonprofit sector needs support, with a particular focus on smaller organizations that already had limited resources before the pandemic. These organizations are doing vital work at the neighborhood and community level. Their work multiplies the efforts of our local government and delivers critical services to residents across our County. We will work to strengthen the capacity of these organizations so they can recover from the pandemic, have the resources they need to weather future crises, and help the communities they serve do the same.
Free meal distribution event
Project PEACE and Farm Share meal distribution event

Detailed Action Summary

Provide direct support to build the capacity of smaller CBOs looking to partner with the County to deliver critical services.