Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
Non-Residential Property Maintenance
It shall be the responsibility of the owner of any lot in a non-residential zoned district (Business Use, Industrial Use or Agricultural Use) to regularly maintain their property to prevent:
- The growth or accumulation of grass, weeds or undergrowth that exceeds a height of 18 inches from the ground for more than 50% of the area to be maintained.
- The accumulation of litter, junk, trash, solid waste, or abandoned property on any lot.
Right-of-Way Maintenance
- The property owner for the property adjacent to a Miami-Dade County right-of-way is responsible to maintain the swale area which abuts their property, including:
- Maintaining grass or other vegetation healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion.
- Replacing vegetation where soils are exposed.
- Maintaining the proper elevations within the swale.
Responsible Merchant's Act
- Parking and paved areas must be maintained, well-lit and free of deterioration, such as potholes, damaged parking stops, missing or inadequate striping, including disabled parking spaces and access paths.
- Where repairs are needed, applicable permits must be obtained.
- Informational or directional signs must be maintained in a safe and visible manner and free of graffiti.
- Required bicycle racks, litter bins and applicable signage must be installed and maintained.
- Exterior walkways and parking lot areas shall remain free of obstructions, including, but not limited to, tables and chairs, store merchandise, and/or displays.
- Vehicles shall not be displayed for sale, unless that is the approved use of the property.
- Vehicles shall not be used solely as advertising devices in the parking lot or nearby right-of-way.
- Lighting on premises shall be maintained in a safe and operable condition in accordance with the required site plan.
- All building surfaces, walls and fences shall be kept free of peeling paint and graffiti.
Violations are subject to the issuance of a Courtesy Warning Notice.
Both the tenant and property owner may receive notices in connection with enforcement. However, the property owner is ultimately responsible for compliance.
Failure to comply will result in a ticket to the property owner and tenant, in accordance with Chapter 8CC of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances.
Failure to correct certain types of Chapter 19 violations within the compliance period specified on the ticket will result in corrections done by Miami-Dade County at the property owner’s expense.
Penalties accrue and a lien may be placed on the property if the fines, enforcement costs and administrative costs are not paid or the violation not corrected.
Additional time for compliance may be granted on Courtesy Warning Notices. Call the Neighborhood Regulations office at 786-315-2552 to request an extension.
Ticket amounts:
- $260: first offense
- $510: second offense
- $1,010: subsequent offenses
Responsible Merchant Act's ticket amounts:
- Second offense tickets will be double the first offense
- Subsequent violation tickets will be double the second offense, up to $1,010
- Zoning Districts, including business, industrial and agricultural uses
- Chapter 19 of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances

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