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Frequently Asked Questions


Are solicitations available online?
Yes, the County issues all competitive solicitations for goods and services through the BidSync online bidding system. There is no charge to vendors for use of this service. Please click on the link to register and receive email notifications of business opportunities with Miami-Dade County.

Vendor Registration

We have more than one division of our company doing business with the County. Does each division need to have separate vendor applications on file? 
If each division has its own Accounts Receivable mailing address, and functions as though they are different companies, it should have a separate vendor application on file. If the federal ID number and address used by all divisions are the same a W-9 form must be submitted for each division. We will assign each division a variation of the number, in order to separate the identity.

Contract Compliance

Can I deliver goods and services to a County department before I receive a copy of the purchase order?
Delivering goods and services to the County without a copy of the purchase order violates County policy. Having a properly executed purchase order ensures that the County has authorized the delivery of goods and/or services and will process payment in accordance with the terms therein. Delivering goods and services to the County without a copy of the purchase order actually delays the ability to make payment. It may also result in an unauthorized purchase. 

In an emergency situation, such as the aftermath of a hurricane, it may be necessary for the County to receive