Property Search
The Property Search allows you to view detailed information for properties in Miami-Dade County.
Comparable Sales
The Comparable Sales Tool allows you to access and compare real estate sale information for properties in Miami-Dade County.
Tax Estimator
The Tax Estimator provides an approximate amount of taxes that may be due on a property.
Tax Comparison
The Tax Comparison allows you to view a property's tax information for the current and previous year and lists changes by taxing district.

Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
Reviewing your Assessment with the Property Appraiser
Real Estate
You may complete the Assessment Review Form or visit either of the Offices of the Property Appraiser.
- Government Center (downtown Miami)
- South Dade Government Center
It is advisable to bring documentation such as:
- Date stamped photos of any building damage
- Contract estimates for repairs
- Dated receipts for building repairs
- Insurance documents itemizing building damage with cost estimates
- Recent comparable sales
- For commercial properties a January 1st rent roll, a recent 12 month operating and/or Federal Income Tax Return
- A recent appraisal and other documents as related to your unique circumstances
Tangible Personal Property
If you wish to come in to one of the offices, due to the confidential nature of the information on file, the account will only be discussed with the owner of the business, a partner or corporate officer, an employee with authorization (a letter on company letterhead authorizing employee access to confidential records), an attorney-at-law who is a member of the Florida Bar who is representing the owner, or an authorized Personal Property Tax Consultant.
Picture identification required! Owner or representative should also bring:
Letter of authorization (if not owner/officer)
Copy of current year's Tangible Personal Property Tax Return.
The most recent Federal Income Tax Return (with an itemized fixed asset listing)
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