Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
Zoning Application and Review Process
The Zoning Evaluation Unit provides the following services:
Analysis and Recommendations of Zoning Applications
Reviews and approves plans for sufficiency and analyzes information provided by the applicants by utilizing the review criteria, policies and interpretative text in the Comprehensive Development Master Plan and the criteria specified in the Zoning Code (Chapter 33). Prepares the finalized requests for zoning action that will be mailed to neighborhood property owners and advertised in newspapers. The recommendation of the department is presented to the appropriate Zoning Board for its consideration when approving or denying the applicant’s request.
Administrative Adjustments
Reviews and makes recommendation on applications for specific minimal zoning variances requested by single family home owners who wish to add improvements to their property. This process is administrative and does not require a hearing before a zoning board.
Development Impact Committee Review
Prepares zoning analysis and comments for Development Impact Review Committee (DIC) applications. Coordinates the implementation of DIC applications with several county agencies and staff; conduct meetings with said different agencies and the applicant; prepares the DIC Executive Council final recommendation; schedule and coordinate Lower Council and Executive Council meetings.
Educational Facilities
Coordinates and reviews applications for Educational Facilities including private schools, charter schools and other educational facilities. Application forms are available are available at our office.
Zoning Information Letters
Conducts property development research at the specific request of applicants who want to know if a use is allowed, or the resolution history of the property and the applicable zoning code requirements for the property. This is a fee based service offered by the department. To make a request for this service fill out the form and follow the instructions for submitting the request.
Severable Use Rights
The use of Severable Use Rights may be authorized in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33B, Code of Miami-Dade County. The provisions of this chapter are intended to facilitate the protection of the East Everglades resources and thereby permit growth and development in the county through a specified management program knows as the Severable Use Rights process. Through the approval of a severable use rights application a development bonus in the form of an increase in the intensity and/or density of development is allowed for a specific parcel of land. These applications are reviewed in the Zoning Evaluation Unit for conformance with the Chapter 33B requirements.
Sign Permits
Get a Zoning Improvement Permit under Category 0020 for a non-electrical wall sign that is less than 40 square feet in surface area and the building elevation is no more than 30 feet in height. The permitting process is faster and less costly, as compared to a Building Category 51 permit. When applying, please complete the Zoning Improvement Permits Application, follow the Typical Flat Wall Sign Mounting guidelines and include the dimensions of the sign copy and wall elevation.
Substantial Compliance Applications
The Substantial Compliance Review Process is applicable in those instances when a site plan for future development has been approved by the Board of County Commissioners, the Community Zoning Appeals Board or any previous zoning board. The applicant may submit a revised site plan that does not exceed the specific parameters allowed by the Zoning code. Staff reviews the proposal against the previously approved hearing plan and a final determination on the approval or denial of the Substantial Compliance Application is made by the Zoning Assistant Director.

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