Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
1.1 Logo
The official County logo must be displayed on all County public information and promotional material, and particularly County assets, e.g., facility signage, other signage and vehicles. The logo must not be altered or recreated in any way. This includes its proportions, fonts and color applications as outlined in this guide.
Adherence to Miami-Dade County’s identity program is critical to projecting a cohesive image.
The official Miami-Dade County logo is shown on this page. This version of the logo is to be used on all Miami-Dade County publications including, but not limited to websites, social networks, brochures, annual reports, magazines, newsletters, forms, letterhead, signage, vehicles, business cards and advertising. No logo may be used in place of or in addition to the Miami-Dade County logo without the approval of the Director of the Communications Department.
The Miami-Dade County brand is recognized locally, nationally and internationally. Approved versions of the County logo are available at
The logo may ONLY be used in one of four ways:
The Miami-Dade County logo is a three-color graphic and is the preferred version to be used whenever possible for communication materials, including print advertising, television advertising, collateral materials, direct marketing and electronic media.
Communications may, in its discretion, use color palette variations if doing so does not detract from the material or diminish the County brand.
Placement and Display
The Miami-Dade County logo must be used on all publications.
If the piece is a self-mailer then the return address must appear exactly as it does on standard County envelopes. (See Appendix D: Stationery). Remember that the logo is a brand or wordmark. It should not be used as the central visual element of a publication and should not replace photography or illustration as visual components
Quality Control
To ensure high-quality reproduction, our logo should always be reproduced from the approved digital artwork available through the branding website at Once furnished to a printer or downloaded on your computer, these logos should never be altered in any way.
Resolution No. R-643-04 provided for departmental co-branding under limited and specific circumstances. Those circumstances, to be approved by the Director of the Communications Department, respond to the needs of those departments with a statutory need to be readily identified (e.g. public safety departments). In those cases, the “exempt” departments must co-brand their logo with the County logo in all printed materials, both internal and external. In all cases, the County logo shall appear along with the exempt department's logo. The exempt departments may only utilize the approved templates that reflect this co-branding. Contact the Communications Department at 305-375-2836 with questions or for assistance on co-branding.
Exempt Departments
- Aviation
- Corrections and Rehabilitation
- Fire Rescue
- Police
- Seaport
Special Brands
The following programs have been approved for special branding as they operate within a competitive marketplace:
- All Golf Courses
- Deering Estate at Cutler
- EcoAdventures
- Filmiami
- Fruit and Spice Park
- Miami International Cattle Show
- Zoo Miami

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