Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) Applications
CDMP Amendment Cycle Applications
Applications to amend the Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) may be filed in the January, May, or October CDMP amendment cycles (a.k.a. Cycle Applications). Cycle applications may include changes to the Land Use Plan (LUP) map, CDMP text, and CDMP map series. The amendment process is approximately 7-months for “Small-scale Applications” (10 acres or less) and approximately 10 months for “Standard Applications” (properties over 10 acres or text changes).
CDMP Expedited Amendment Applications
Expedited applications to amend the CDMP may be filed at any time. Applications may include changes to Land Use Plan (LUP) map designations inside the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) and/or text amendments. The fees for expedited applications have a multiplier of 2.5.
Instructions for Filing a CDMP Amendment Cycle or Expedited Application
After the CDMP Amendment application is submitted online, applicants will receive a Notice of Receipt with information on fees to be paid and application deficiencies to be addressed, if any. Applicants of a Cycle Application have five business days from the close of the filing period or Notice of Receipt, whichever occurs later, to submit payment and cure deficiencies.
The processing of an expedited application will not commence until the application is deemed complete. For an application to be deemed complete, all required documents must be submitted, including printed copies, and the appropriate fee paid. For detailed filing instructions for the Amendment Cycle Applications and Expedited CDMP Amendment Applications, visit the CDMP Amendment Cycles webpage.
Submit an online CDMP application.
CDMP Letter of Interpretation Requests
CDMP Letter of Interpretation
A CDMP Letter of Interpretation may be requested for interpretation of the provisions of the CDMP including to determine the consistency of a proposed development action with the CDMP and/or to address questions related to the CDMP Land Use Plan (LUP) map designation(s) of a property. Fees for location specific letters are dependent on the size of the property. Non-location specific CDMP Letters of Interpretation may be requested to address issues or questions related to the goals, policies, objectives, interpretive text, and Level of Service (LOS) standards in the CDMP. Depending on the complexity of the questions, a CDMP Letter of Interpretation will take 30 to 60 days to process.
Expedited CDMP Letter of Interpretation
Certain Letter of Interpretation requests may be processed on an expedited basis, within 15-days of the filing of a complete request, but at a greater cost than the regular letter of interpretation requests. Note that Complex requests requiring significant research will not be eligible for the expedited process.
Instructions for Requesting a CDMP Letter of Interpretation or Expedited Letter
For an application to be deemed complete after it is filed online, the appropriate fee must be paid and a letter of request detailing the CDMP question(s) to be addressed must be submitted. The letter of request must be addressed to Jerry Bell, Assistant Director, RER Planning Division, Stephen P. Clark Center, 12th Floor, 111 NW 1 Street Miami, Florida 33128, and include the property’s folio number and location in the subject line, a detailed description of the question/s, and signature. A separate application must be submitted for each address or subject property.
Fees for location specific letters are dependent on the size of the property in gross acreage:
- Under 1.0 acre $473;
- 1.0-5.0 acres $946;
- 5.1 to 20.0 acres $1,419;
- 20.1 acres and over $1,892.
For expedited location-specific letters the fees are:
- Under 1.0 acre $946;
- 1.0-5.0 acres $1,892;
- 5.1 to 20.0 acres $2,838;
- 20.1 acres and over $3,784.
For non-location specific letters of interpretation, the fee is $473 and $946 for expedited letters.
All fees include applicable surcharges.
Submit an online Letter of Interpretation application.
The fee schedule adopted by this Administrative Order has been presented and is considered a part hereof. In accordance with Section 2-3 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, this official Fee Schedule is also filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. Fees which are charged by the Regulatory and Economic Resources Department shall be the same as those listed in the official Fee Schedule on file with the Clerk of the County Commission.
Email us with any questions, comments or concerns about the CDMP Applications.
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