Property Search
The Property Search allows you to view detailed information for properties in Miami-Dade County.
Comparable Sales
The Comparable Sales Tool allows you to access and compare real estate sale information for properties in Miami-Dade County.
Tax Estimator
The Tax Estimator provides an approximate amount of taxes that may be due on a property.
Tax Comparison
The Tax Comparison allows you to view a property's tax information for the current and previous year and lists changes by taxing district.

Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
Exemption Application Guidelines
Exemption Resources
- Online Application Filing
- Exemption Requirements
- Exemptions FAQ
- Track Your Exemption Application Status
- Homestead Exemption Application (DR-501 Form)
- Be Careful, You May Be Committing HOMESTEAD FRAUD If
- Renting Your Homestead Property May Increase Property Taxes
- Calculating the Homestead Assessment Difference (PORT)
- Portability FAQ
Report Exemption Fraud
Suspected homestead exemption fraud may be reported to the Property Appraisal Homestead Exemption Investigation Unit by calling 305-375-3402 or by reporting through our online form.
See the guidelines for the available exemptions and the application requirements:

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