Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
Flood Protection
Because Miami-Dade County is located in a unique geographical area, it is particularly susceptible to flooding from major rain events and storm surge. The County is surrounded by major water bodies such as the Atlantic Ocean, Biscayne Bay, and many rivers, lakes and canals.
Miami-Dade County lies close to sea level and its underground water supply is just below the ground surface. Therefore, major rain events sometimes leave rainwater nowhere to drain, causing occasional flooding in some areas of the County.
For more information on flood protection and related topics at the national level, please visit FEMA.
Emergency Management and Natural Disasters
For disaster and recovery efforts, please visit the Emergency website. This site also provides the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
FEMA Preliminary Maps - Frequently Asked Questions
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Frequently Asked Questions contain information on the Preliminary Maps and how they may affect flood insurance premiums in your area. The FEMA Preliminary Maps and Historical FEMA flood map information are also available upon request through the Flood Zone Hotline at 305-372-6466.
Flood & Drainage Complaints
Please visit the link above for important phone numbers or submit a flood or drainage complaint.
Flood Insurance
Flood insurance is required for any federally backed mortgage in a special flood hazard area.
Flood Zone Maps
New Flood Zone Maps are now available for viewing. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has completed a major effort to develop detailed digital flood hazard maps that reflect current flood risks for Miami-Dade County. The new Flood Zone Maps replace existing maps using updated and more detailed information. The new preliminary map could become effective as early as this year, pending the final review of the comments and appeal process. Miami-Dade County will adopt the new FIRMs when all comments are addressed, to continue participating in the NFIP, guaranteeing the availability of flood insurance to residents within Unincorporated Miami-Dade County. Historical FEMA flood map information is also available upon request through the Flood Zone Hotline at 305-372-6466.
Impervious Surface Ordinance
The Impervious Surface Ordinance enhances resilience, improves water quality, and reduces future risks of flooding in Miami-Dade County.
Property Sale Disclosure
Any purchase of improved real estate in a Special Flood Hazard or Coastal High Hazard Area (also known as Flood Zones) must include a full disclosure to the buyer that the property lies in either of those zones.
Protect Your Property
Things you can do to minimize or eliminate property damage before a flood event occurs.
Stormwater Utility
The Stormwater Utility was created to help solve the problem of polluted stormwater and to improve the drainage capability of areas that are susceptible to flooding. Reduced open spaces create barriers to rainwater, limiting the ability of water to soak into the ground and recharge our aquifer. Special structures need to be built to drain these areas.
Water Control Map and County Flood Criteria
Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) has released a new Water Control Map and County Flood Criteria map, which represent new regulatory standards for managing stormwater risks.

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