EOC Activation Levels
Miami-Dade constantly monitors the County for threats, unusual events, or situations. A Duty Officer is on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is advised of any such events by the Miami-Dade Alarm Office, State Warning Point, concerned citizens, or other agencies.
The Duty Officer also has the responsibility to monitor and follow-up on any threat, unusual event, or situation that has the potential to impact Miami-Dade County such as media reports, weather advisories, etc.
It is important to note that although the County constantly monitors the progression of events within the County, the EOC is not considered activated. During day-to-day operations where no specific situation is occurring, the EOC is not activated.
The expected or actual severity of the incident is paramount in determining the level of activation. The Director or designee, in conjunction with the Mayor, has the responsibility for determining whether the EOC should increase or decrease its level of activation.
The purpose of activating the EOC as a result of a disaster is to centralize response and recovery decisions, plans, and operational activities in order to maximize the efficiency, quality, and quantity of resources.

Emergency Management
Pete Gomez
R. David Paulison Fire Rescue Headquarters
9300 NW 41st St,
Miami, FL 33178-2414
305-468-5400 | [email protected]