Audit Reports
To explore the audits conducted by different departments, visit their respective websites. Each department provides access to their audit reports, giving you valuable insights into their operations and performance.
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Single Audit Report in compliance with OMB Circular A-133, Chapter 10.550 of the Florida Auditor General's Rules, and the Passenger Facility Charge Audit Guide for Public Agencies.
Find results of audits performed by the Office of the Commission Auditor to date.
The financial statements are prepared according to GASB standards and audited by an independent CPA firm retained and funded by the County.
Check out the audited financial statements for Miami-Dade County's governmental activities, including business-type activities, major funds, component units, and remaining fund information.
These audits are central to ensuring transparency, efficiency and revenue accountability throughout our County government.
Ensures adherence with County policies and procedures, examines operations to ensure efficiencies, detects and mitigates risks, and recommends best practices.
Financial audits are conducted annually.
Financial statements and single audits are conducted annually.
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