Kits and Checklists
Emergency supplies should be fully stocked by June 1, the start of hurricane season. Once a hurricane warning is declared, most of your preparations should be directed toward your home.
Family Emergency Plan
You and your family members may not be together when a hurricane is approaching. Plan ahead and talk about what you will do before, during and after a hurricane.
Discuss how you will get to a safe place, get in touch with each other and get back to each other.
Your plan should contain:
- Phone numbers of a pre-assigned contact person for family members to call
- List and contact information of family members, friends, neighbors and physicians
- A safe place to store important documents in a waterproof container or bag
- How you will get assistance if needed for older adults or those with functional needs in the home
- How to turn off the water, gas and electricity safely
Hurricane Supply Kit
A supply kit is a container of items your family may need in or after an emergency. Most of the items can be found in your house.
It is important to put them in one place. Be sure every family member knows where the kit is kept.
- Keep loose items in airtight plastic bags.
- Gather the kit's items in easy-to-carry containers or duffel bags. Put them within reach, near the exit you use most often.
- Check and update your kit at least once a year.
Your hurricane supply kit should contain:
- 7-day supply of non-perishable foods
- 7-day supply of water (one gallon per person per day, including pets)
- A manual can opener
- Battery-powered portable television or radio with extra batteries
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- First aid kit and manual
- Sanitation and hygiene items, such as instant hand sanitizing gel, disinfectant wipes, moist towelettes, toilet paper, and feminine hygiene products
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as masks and gloves
- Thermometer with batteries, if required
- Matches in a waterproof container
- Whistle
- Kitchen accessories and cooking utensils
- Cash
- Extra clothing, blankets and sleeping bags
- Photocopies of identification, insurance, prescriptions, household inventory, credit cards and your utility bill
- Copies of important documents such as birth certificates, adoption certificates, marriage licenses, divorce papers, Social Security cards, passport, green cards, will, insurance policies (home, auto, life, health, etc.), bank statements
- Prescription medications, eyeglasses, contact lens solution and hearing aid
- Batteries
- Type ABC fire extinguisher
- Telephone that is not dependent on electricity and/or a cell phone
- Formula, baby food, diapers and pacifiers
- Pet carriers, leashes, shot records, and food for each animal evacuating with you
- Tire repair kit, booster cables, pump and flares
- Toys and games for children
- Mosquito repellent
- Sunscreen (45 SPF recommended)

Emergency Management
Pete Gomez
R. David Paulison Fire Rescue Headquarters
9300 NW 41st St,
Miami, FL 33178-2414
305-468-5400 | [email protected]