Content Components

Content Items are probably the most important section for publishers since they are the building blocks used to create pages.

Editing the information, images etc. on a web page is easy once you become familiar with the naming conventions and folder locations of a page's content items.

Creating a Content Component

After creating a page.
  • Step 1 - Click on the plus sign icon in the area you want to place content
  • Step 2 - Select and add a component. Depending on the page template applied to a page, there are three different options for content layout
    1. Default -this is the one being used here to present this information
    2. Accordion - examples to follow
    3. Multi-Column - examples to follow
  • Step 3 - Complete the fields presented in the chosen component style

Related Content

A content component is also used to create a right content box with links or information that complements or explains content on the page.



The Multi-Column option can be used to add information in a document that is best displayed in columns. You can add two or more columns as needed.

Hipster Ipsum

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Zombie Ipsum

Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris.

Sagan Ipsum

Quasar tingling of the spine a still more glorious dawn awaits not a sunrise but a galaxyrise Sea of Tranquility the only home we've ever known. Paroxysm of global death paroxysm of global death take root and flourish.


The Accordion option creates a vertically stacked list of headers that can be clicked on to reveal related content.


Content components also have the ability to insert videos. In the area labeled Item YouTube ID You can add one or more videos.