Emergency Evacuations
There are two types of evacuation instructions:
- Evacuation recommendation: The Mayor may recommend that certain residents take steps to evacuate due to their personal risk. A recommendation might be issued to residents who may need extra time to evacuate due to mobility challenges or people who live in areas prone to flooding that may not be in storm surge inundation areas.
- Evacuation order: The Mayor may order residents of specific areas of the county deemed to be in danger, based on a hurricane’s track and projected storm surge.
Areas of the County that should evacuate will be announced through miamidade.gov and local media.
Residents are encouraged to stay with family members or friends who live inland in a non-evacuation area. Hurricane evacuation centers will open, but should only be considered as a shelter of last resort.
Evacuation orders are issued by zones or partial zones. Find out if you live in an area that may be at risk for storm surge by using the Storm Surge Planning Zone Finder. When an evacuation order is given you can find out if you need to evacuate by viewing the Evacuation Orders map.
Once an emergency evacuation order has been issued, you can use the Storm Aides For Everyone (SAFE) application to find:
- Evacuation centers
- Bus pickup locations
- Disaster assistance centers
- Points of distribution (food, water and operational hospitals)
Online Options

Emergency Management
Pete Gomez, DirectorR. David Paulison Fire Rescue Headquarters
9300 NW 41st St,
Miami, FL 33178-2414
305-468-5400 | [email protected]