Finance Policies
- Debt Management Policy
Resolution R-307-11 approved the County’s formal Debt Management Policy. The Debt Management Policy establishes specific guidelines formulated to ensure Miami-Dade County adheres to sound financial practices whenever it incurs debt. - Swap Policy (6.5 MB)
Resolution R-311-05 approved the Master Swap Policy used in the County's management of its assets and liabilities. it provides a comprehensive set of guidelines governing the use of derivative products. - Investment Policy
The Investment policy outlines responsibilities, sets investment goals, establishes strategies to achieve stated objectives, establishes internal controls and operational procedures and prepares a method of performance measurement. - Capital Assets Policy
This policy provides guidance to governmental fund accountants for the reporting requirements for capital assets for countywide financial statements. The purpose is to provide consistency regarding the accounting of capital assets and related depreciation.

Barbara Gomez
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
26th Floor
Miami, FL 33128