Safety Tips: Cold and Dry Weather

Fire Rescue
Raied "Ray" Jadallah
R. David Paulison Fire Rescue Headquarters
9300 NW 41st Street,
Miami, FL 33178-2414
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Most cold weather risk factors are the result of the measures that we take to keep ourselves warm and not the direct result of exposure to cold temperatures. This is especially true here in South Florida, where the temperature rarely drops below 60 degrees, even in the winter.
Statistically, even in colder climates, very few people freeze to death compared to the number of people who are seriously or fatally injured by fires that are caused by common winter heating methods.
The fact that we don't have to worry about brutal winter temperatures might be the very reason that we are so vulnerable to the effects of cold weather. Northerners are conditioned to switch into winter mode at the first cold snap and they are accustomed to dealing with the safety issues that go along with keeping warm.
In a way, South Floridians are at a disadvantage when we are faced with cold weather because we don't get a whole lot of experience with it. Winter weather doesn't have to be sub-zero to be dangerous; it just has to be cold enough to make us feel cold.
But don't worry, there's no need to pack up and move even closer to the equator. You just have to keep a few safety tips in mind. You can use the four P's to help you protect yourself and those in your care:
Most home fires in the winter are associated with portable heating equipment which is poorly installed, poorly maintained or misused. Use central heating whenever possible, but if you must use a portable space heater, here are some safety guidelines:
If you're still not convinced that cold weather in South Florida can be a threat, you should know that along with most of our cold fronts, Miami-Dade usually experiences a significant spike in fire calls, especially in residential occupancies.
Dry conditions and steady winds are the prime ingredients for potential wildfires. Residents should take extra measures to ensure their safety during the dry season. As seen in the past, in just a moment, a brushfire can go from a natural controlled situation to a major threat to life and property. Here are some tips:
Wildfires can cause major environmental, social and economic damage. The loss of timber, wildlife habitat, homes and even lives may result from a devastating wildfire. For more information on wildfires, visit the Florida Division of Forestry website.
R. David Paulison Fire Rescue Headquarters
9300 NW 41st Street,
Miami, FL 33178-2414
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