Types of Special Recognition
Before calling to request an official document or award, please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with all tributes and their descriptions:
Certificate of Appreciation
These Certificates are given to express the appreciation of the community for an extraordinary service rendered or a noteworthy contribution to the improvement of local life (whether social, cultural, economic or other or an act of selfless dedication).Commendation
An extraordinary act of valor, an uplifting act of humanitarianism or philanthropy or an inspirational artistic or intellectual accomplishment may be recognized by a special Commendation. Individuals or groups who demonstrate exceptional strength of mind and/or spirit toward humankind may be recognized.Congratulatory Certificate
These Certificates are given to recognize a milestone birthday, anniversary, family reunion or other occasion where celebrations of landmark significance unite local citizens and visitors alike in bonds of social harmony.Key to the County
The Key to the County extends an official welcome and also recognizes proven leaders whose contributions have enriched our society.Proclamation
A proclamation designates a specific day, week or year in honor of an individual, group, event or purpose. Proclamations should be reserved for the most significant of occasions. Each year, events of national importance are designated by federal, state and county or city proclamations. These include Women's History Month, Black History Month, United States Constitution Week, Flag Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Ruben Dario Day, and José Martí Day among others.Sympathy Resolution
These documents are prepared for presentation to bereaved families on behalf of the community for fallen officers of the law, individuals who left an indelible mark on the fabric of this community, victims of tragedy and others.Distinguished Visitor Certificate
With Greater Miami's growing stature as an international center for trade, commerce, tourism and travel, visiting dignitaries are often given an official welcome to Miami-Dade County. Distinguished Visitor Certificates recognize visiting dignitaries of national and international stature to enhance bonds of cooperation between our respective nations.
Board of County Commissioners Government Protocol Services
Mia Lopez
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Suite 250
Miami, FL 33128
305-375-3611 | [email protected]