Legal Insurance
Legal is everywhere. Protect yourself and your family with legal insurance.
Have you ever stopped to think about how many events in your life have a legal element to them? Most of us aren’t prepared for the unexpected — like the recent circumstances caused by the coronavirus outbreak. There are the joys — like getting married or buying the house of your dreams. And the challenges — like when true love doesn’t work out or you find yourself fighting a speeding ticket.
With ARAG legal insurance, your network attorney fees are 100 percent paid in full for a wide variety of covered legal matters.
What does legal insurance cover?Count on a broad range of coverage and services, for example:
- Wills and estate planning
- Real estate and home ownership
- Traffic tickets and license suspension
- Disputes with a landlord
- Family law matters
- Small claims court
- Consumer fraud
- Personal property disputes
- Student loan debt
- Bankruptcy
- Tax audit
- Divorce
To see a full list of coverages available under your plan, visit ARAG Legal online and enter access code: 10277mdc or call ARAG Customer Care at 800-667-4300, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time. For any legal matters not covered and not excluded under the plan, you are eligible to receive at least 25 percent off the network attorney’s normal rate.
How legal insurance benefits you
- Receive 100 percent paid-in-full coverage on attorney fees for most covered legal matters when you work with a network attorney
- On average, save $368 per hour on attorney fees*
- Access a nationwide network of more than 14,000 attorneys who average 20 years of experience
- Address your covered legal situations with a network attorney for legal help and representation
- Use DIY Docs to create any of more than 350 legally valid documents, including state-specific templates
*$368 is the average hourly rate for a U.S. attorney with 11 to 15 years' experience according to The Survey of Law Firm Economics: 2018 Edition, The National Law Journal and ALM Legal Intelligence, Oct. 2018.
View Your Current Benefits
- Log in to INFORMS
- Select the Employee Self-Service tile
- Then select the Benefit Details tile
Phone Number
Quick Links and Resources
- ARAG Diversity and Inclusion Benefits
- ARAG At A Glance
- ARAG Website (access code: 10277mdc)

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Suite 2401
Miami, FL 33128