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Employee Recognition Programs

Miami-Dade County's Employee Recognition Programs are designed to recognize employees who demonstrate exceptional service and achievements in their public duties. The goal of the County's Employee Recognition Programs is to show appreciation for an employee's achievement and motivate employees to continue exceeding in their performance. The Employee Recognition Program is governed by Administrative Order 7-30.

Employee Recognition Awards
The Employee Recognition Program recognizes employees for a variety of achievements including years of service, an occasion of exceptional performance or a long history of outstanding performance.

Service Awards
County employees are recognized for achieving years of service milestones every five years. Here’s a list of the award items  presented. With 30 years of service the awards are presented at Board of County Commission committee meetings. See the latest presentations here.

Special Recognition Increase
This program allows department directors to nominate qualified employees for an additional pay step and recognition for a job well done. The Human Resource's Recruitment, Testing and Career Development Division has the responsibility for receiving and reviewing the nominations and processing them through a Committee review. For further information, contact the Human Resource's Recruitment, Testing and Career Development Division at 305-375-2473.

Executive Service Award Program
This program recognizes the prolonged, high quality accomplishment of employees in Executive Service Groups 1 through 5. There are two categories of recognition: Meritorious Service Award and Distinguished Service Award. The first includes a lump sum payment of $2,500 and the second a lump sum payment of $5,000. A plaque and pin are also presented to the employee. The lump sum paid under this program is in addition to base salary and no executive may receive more than two awards in any five year period.

For information about this program, see Administrative Order 7-26

Emergency Service Award Program
This program recognizes outstanding service under emergency conditions performed by Miami-Dade County police and firefighters who are not otherwise eligible for payment of overtime. Nominations are submitted by department directors and Assistant County Managers. Nominees must have participated in the provision of emergency services under extraordinary conditions. Recognition is in the form of a lump sum payment and only two awards are allowed within a five year period.

For more information about this program, read Administrative Order 7-11

Milestones & Mementos

Service pins are presented by the employee's department until year 30 when a plaque is presented before the Board of County Commissioners.

Contact Information

Employee Recognition Program
Phone: 305-375-1389
Email: [email protected]