Team building is in the details

photo of county employees at MDCR

Keeping morale high and showing appreciation for employees seems to come naturally to Officer Cynthia Linder at the Corrections Department’s Pre-Trial Services Unit. She builds respect and goodwill through her actions.

Officer Tanya Lillie said Linder is very considerate of her employees. "She always wants us to function as a team. She thanks us for doing our job. When she brings us food, we come together. I don't always have time to prepare my dinner before coming to work. Her efforts make me feel supported and motivates me."

Sometimes everyone on the team brings something to share. Working as a team helps them communicate more effectively and be more considerate of each other on the job.

"Many times, working in Corrections can feel like a thankless job" said Lillie. "A supervisor like Linder propels you to go the extra mile to get the job done. I really appreciate her and I know that the entire staff feels the same way."

Officer Linder has been in pretrial services for 15 years. This team at the Turner-Guildford Knight Corrections Center helps to eliminate the overcrowding in the jail to keep it safe for everyone. It makes the correctional officer's job a little less stressful. The team also helps the general public.

"As a supervisor, one of my biggest challenges is my unit morale. I try to keep my team motivated by being an altruistic supervisor. We work the evening shift, so sometimes I will cook dinner for my team and bring it in. They like my cooking and are always pleased that dinner has been provided for them. I use that time with my team to discuss ways we can make our unit and job duties more efficient. I use that time to learn the challenges they are facing as it relates to our job and in their personal lives as well," said Linder. "I support my team through encouragement, positivity and discipline. I am honored to know that I was nominated for I Thrive. It was totally unexpected."

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