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Choose the way to vote that works for you

With two major elections within the next few months, now is a good time to learn the three ways voters in Miami-Dade can vote.
Some voters like going through the ballot on their own time in the comfort of their own home and voting by mail. Others prefer heading out to an early voting location on a day that's convenient for them, and casting their ballot before Election Day. And then there are voters who enjoy the tradition of going to their precinct on Election Day to vote. Some like to make an event out of it.
Voters who vote early or on Election Day can rest assured that the Elections Department is taking every precaution to protect the health and safety of voters and poll workers as we deal with the global pandemic. Voters who want to vote but would prefer not to venture out should strongly consider voting by mail.
Vote by Mail
Request a vote-by-mail ballot online, by email, by mail or by calling 305-499-VOTE and be one of the many Miami-Dade voters who vote by mail. You can take your time to research the candidates and issues, and vote when you're ready.
After you mail in your ballot, you can track your ballot to see when your ballot is accepted.
Your signature is used to validate your vote-by-mail ballot, so make sure your most recent signature is on file with the department.
Learn more about voting by mail.
Vote Early
Why wait? Vote early!
Early voting is offered for many elections, and all major elections. Voting early allows you to vote before the actual day of the election. If you're a registered voter, you can vote at any of the early voting locations to cast your ballot.
Learn more about early voting.
Vote on Election Day
Even with other options available, many prefer the tradition of voting on Election Day. If you choose to vote on Election Day, you must go to your assigned voting location, which is determined by your home address. Precincts are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Learn more about voting on Election Day.
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