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More places to learn and play soccer

Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department will partner with Soccer 5® and the Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) to launch Soccer 5® For All in Miami-Dade Parks - More Spaces to Play, More Places to Learn at several Miami-Dade County Parks.
This initiative provides youth equal access to soccer, regardless of economic, racial or social background. As Miami-Dade prepares to be one of the host cities for the FIFA World Cup in 2026, over the next three years, Miami-Dade Parks and Soccer 5® will expand their collaboration to launch multiple programs throughout the Miami-Dade County Parks system, starting with Kendall Soccer Park, which will include a series of programming and training events and inclusive coaching sessions.
Additionally, this new program will provide regular cultural learning experiences that connect energetic role models with children, inspiring them to follow the right path and introducing opportunities available through soccer.
Since 2010, Soccer 5® has invested $1 million in programming at Miami-Dade Park's Kendall Soccer Park and over $10 million in creating state-of-the-art small-sided soccer fields where people of all ages and abilities can come to enjoy the game. They will donate an additional $5,000 to the Miami-Dade Parks Foundation to kick-start this new community initiative.
MDPD will help support this initiative by providing uniform presence at all the community events, and members of the Police Soccer Team will volunteer with the kids as coaches and facilitators.
As part of this initiative, Soccer 5® welcomes additional support from local community members to expand this project further into Tropical Park and Amelia Earhart Park.
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