The Organization Component

The Organization card includes important information about the department, including but not limited to: director's name, office address, phone number and social media links.

When you use the organization component, there are 4 options you can select:
  • Title
  • Mission
  • Description
  • Contact Card
For homepages, add the organization component in the full-width section and select: missions, description and contact card. The fourth option, title, is optional but often unnecessary. In the example below, all 4 options have been selected.

For most other pages, the organization component will be in the the right column, with just the contact card (see example on the right).

Online Options

E-Studio Guide
This is just a placeholder to ensure the 2 organization components render correctly. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mauris diam, bibendum sit amet tristique nec, semper eu est. Nulla eu felis vel odio venenatis mollis. Fusce id finibus felis. Mauris rhoncus tortor mauris, nec pharetra enim luctus ac. Donec varius imperdiet nulla, vel mollis nunc pharetra eu. Sed sed feugiat leo. Sed blandit quis nulla sit amet commodo. Donec ultrices viverra felis, sit amet fringilla elit vulputate a.

Communications and Customer Experience

To deliver accurate, timely and relevant information about government programs and services to all Miami-Dade County residents and visitors while ensuring an excellent service experience for all customers. 

The Communications and Customer Experience Department (CCED) manages the customer experience for Miami-Dade County's primary communication channels, facilitates self-service and direct service for its customers, and links more than 70 Miami-Dade County government agencies to 2.8 million residents, as well as businesses and visitors, through digital and traditional channels, in person and by telephone.

The Department also works closely with the Office of the Mayor, the Board of County Commissioners, other elected officials, County departments, trusts and agencies to communicate information with its customers, as well as rely on customers to improve the information being disseminated. In addition, as a multi-jurisdictional contact center, the Department has the capacity to engage and provide services to other government agencies and municipalities.