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- Loren Parra
- [email protected]
Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava distributes new air conditioning units to public housing residents
Today, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava announced the distribution of 1,700 new air conditioning systems to public housing residents across Miami-Dade. Although air conditioning is not federally mandated for public housing developments, Miami-Dade County has made a multi-million-dollar investment to ensure the safety and comfort of public housing residents.
“Extreme heat is a silent killer, which causes more deaths than all other weather disasters combined. As we work to redevelop public housing in our county, making it healthier and more resilient, we must invest now to protect our residents from the effects of rising temperatures,” said Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. “Public housing tenants tend to be older, putting them at greater risk of injury and illness due to extreme heat. These brand-new air conditioners will provide tenants relief from the heat while also keeping carbon emissions and energy costs down countywide.”
Miami-Dade County will provide air conditioning units to the county’s public housing units that do not currently have access to AC, free of charge. The county is also working to retrofit and redevelop public housing facilities, including the installation of central air conditioning in all county-owned developments.
The air conditioning units will be purchased with funds from the American Rescue Plan and – in accordance with county guidelines – operate with the highest energy efficiency available.
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Daniella Levine Cava,Office of the Mayor
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Miami, FL 33128
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