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- Gabriella Dominguez
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- 305-418-7194
Miami-Dade County Animal Services Department issues cautionary advisory amid reports of mysterious canine illness across several states
Miami-Dade County Animal Services Department (Animal Services), is closely monitoring the recent reports of unusual respiratory illness affecting dogs in multiple states. While there have been no reported cases in Florida, Animal Services is urging dog owners to take proactive measures to protect their pets’ health.
Veterinary laboratories in Oregon, Colorado, New Hampshire, and other states have been investigating this concerning illness that has led to lasting respiratory disease and pneumonia in dogs, showing resistance to antibiotic treatments. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, nasal or eye discharge, and lethargy, with some cases progressing rapidly within a short timeframe.
The Oregon Department of Agriculture has documented more than 200 cases of the disease since mid-August. The agency is working with state researchers and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory to find out what is causing the illness.
“While there are no reported cases in our region, we advise dog owners to remain vigilant and take necessary precaution to ensure their pet’s well-being” said Annette Jose, Director of Animal Services. “Keeping dogs up to date on vaccinations, including those protecting against respiratory illness, is crucial.”
Animal Services reassures the community that there have been no confirmed cases within the region. However, in an abundance of caution, dog owners are encouraged to limit their pets’ interactions with other dogs and maintain awareness of any potential symptoms. Additionally, should any pet display symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, or nasal discharge, please contact your veterinarian immediately.
For more information, please visit www.miamidade.gov/animals or contact 311.
About Miami-Dade County Animal Services
Every year, Miami-Dade County Animal Services Department (Animal Services) provides care and refuge for 28,000 to 30,000 lost and abandoned dogs and cats. Every day, Animal Services staff works diligently to find life-long homes for these abandoned animals by facilitating onsite adoptions, hosting offsite adoptions at events and locations throughout the community, and working collaboratively with rescue organizations, volunteers and adoption partners. For more information visit, www.miamidade.gov/animals and/or follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @adoptmiamipets.
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To request materials in accessible format, sign language interpreters, and/or any accommodation to participate in any County-sponsored program or meeting, please contact Luis Salgado at 305-418-7162 or email, [email protected], five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).
Annette Jose,Animal Services
Pet Adoption and Protection Center
3599 NW 79 Avenue,
Doral, FL 33122
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