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- Sandra St. Hilaire
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Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava unveils large-scale solar array on County building
Today, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava unveiled a large-scale solar installation at the Metro West Detention Center located at 13850 Northwest 41st Street. The new rooftop array includes 1709 panels that will reduce approximately 880 tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. The solar panels are projected to produce enough energy to provide at least 24% of the building’s annual electricity use, saving the county and taxpayers thousands of dollars.
“I am proud that Miami-Dade County is leading the way on renewable energy in our buildings, making us future-ready and resilient,” said Mayor Levine Cava. “This project is the second of several solar arrays that are being installed at County facilities to transition to a clean energy system, an important milestone in a project I have been promoting since 2014 when I was a County Commissioner. This project showcases the latest step toward the County’s ambitious goals of safe, energy-efficient facilities that saves taxpayer dollars while reducing our carbon footprint and helping us to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.”
This solar installation is the second of three large-scale solar pilot projects being deployed in Miami-Dade County. The first was at the North Dade Regional Library, and the next will be completed later this year at the South Dade Regional Library.
In addition to the cost savings, this project will also reduce our community’s carbon footprint and serve as an example of the County’s commitment to sustainable design and building practices. Miami-Dade is leading the way in deploying renewable energy in government facilities.
“This is a monumental step towards a more sustainable and innovative future for Miami-Dade County’s Corrections facilities,” said Miami-Dade County Director of Corrections and Rehabilitation Sherea Green. “This endeavor not only marks a significant leap forward for the department, but also underscores our commitment to environmental responsibility and positive change within the Miami-Dade County community.”
The solar panels were installed by Advanced Green Technologies (AGT), a local South Florida company.
"The partnership between AGT and Miami-Dade County has demonstrated that local government agencies can deploy solar assets successfully, quickly, and efficiently," said Clint Stockman, Executive Vice President of AGT. "This solar project adds immense value to the community and the County while safeguarding the environment for future generations.
Miami-Dade County is building on the momentum of this project and will soon issue a request for proposal (RFP) for solar power at other County facilities using lessons learned from the pilot installations.
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Dr. Patricia Gomez,Office of Resilience
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Miami, FL 33128
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