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- Freddy Pereira
- [email protected]
- 786-626-9725
PortMiami named Best North American Port by Premios Cruceroadicto for 2023
PortMiami has been named “Best North American Port” by Spain’s Premios Cruceroadicto (Cruise Addict Awards) for the second year in a row. Cruceroadicto Magazine readers and more than 26,000 Cruisers Club members voted for the awards.
“We are grateful to the Spanish cruise travelers who voted for PortMiami. As a destination, Miami is undoubtedly the center of world cruise tourism with incredible weather, culture, and unlimited options for outdoor adventurers and exciting experiences,” said Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. “Congratulations to the PortMiami team for their continued commitment to offering a variety of cruise brands and itineraries, and outstanding customer service.”
Recognized worldwide as the Cruise Capital of the World, PortMiami is iconic for cruising and being the premier hub for sailing to the Bahamas, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Located minutes from Miami Beach and Downtown Miami, PortMiami is the departure of choice for all major cruise lines.
About Premios Cruceroadicto
The Premios Cruceroadicto are the only international awards, certified by AENOR, where the Spanish-speaking cruise community votes for their favorite cruise line, ship, and port.
About PortMiami
PortMiami is recognized as the Cruise Capital of the World and Global Gateway of the Americas. The port is among Miami-Dade County’s most important economic engines contributing $43 billion annually to the local economy and supporting more than 334,500 jobs. For more information, please visit www.portmiami.biz.
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Hydi Webb,Seaport
1015 N America Way,
Miami, FL 33132
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