Print Shop and Copy Center
Print Shop
2225 NW 72nd Avenue
Copy Center
111 NW 1st Street, 18th Floor
The Print Shop and the Copy Center each serve Miami-Dade County departments, state and local government entities and non-profits. We provide an easy, cost efficient and environmentally-conscious way to buy quality design, print and mail services. Impress, our online ordering system, is available everyday at any time through eNet, so customers can place orders or access valuable information as their schedule allows.
About the Print Shop and Copy Center
As the County's printer, we are uniquely sensitive to government issues and have a vested interest in streamlining processes to save money and valuable resources. We are set up to be of service, not to make a profit. That's what sets us apart. We can handle most jobs at one of our two locations, but we have established contracts with outside partners to outsource jobs during peak internal capacity or when it's more cost effective to produce the job on the outside. Our contracts also enable us to offer specialty services and products at lower prices.
We are triple green-certified, which means we purchase paper from responsibly managed forests and use "green" inks and environmentally-safe chemicals. Both of our locations recycle. Our staff is highly trained to provide guidance to get projects done on time and on budget. Our team is well versed in the latest design software and trends, and we're ready to help. We'll help you decide whether offset or digital printing is best for you. All our equipment has been color profiled and calibrated. That way, no matter what combination of machines we use, the colors will look just right.
We have full in-house capabilities for multivariable personalization to make your target audience take notice. We perform mailing list cleanup, standardization and duplicate removal to achieve fewer returned letters, savings on postage, and most importantly, increase response rates for you. We also offer e-certified and e-return receipt mailing services.
Customer Service Delivered!
Lots of printing companies talk about customer service, but for the Print Shop and Copy Center, it's not an empty promise. It guides every aspect of what we do. If we can't complete a project by a certain date, or if a finishing detail will make your costs skyrocket, you can count on us to let you know. We want you to get the greatest product possible, for the lowest cost.
Once we partner up with a client, we really get to know their work. We learn their habits, their publication calendars and what makes them happy (and what doesn't). Truly getting to know our customers helps us anticipate their needs and improve our service. To our clients, we're more than just a printer. We're a circle of trusted advisors, ready to tackle any problem and meet any need.
We know what it's like to face deadline overload. That's why we're here. We're kind of used to doing the impossible, and we're known to take on tough jobs that others turn down. While some might consider the extra planning needed for a difficult project a waste of time, to us, it's all in a day's work. We enjoy the challenge, and the chance work with our customers one-on-one.
Online Options
Email / Mail

People and Internal Operations
Raymond Hall, DirectorStephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Suite 2401
Miami, FL 33128