Properties for Sale
Properties for Sale
The process to lease, sell or convey right or interest in County-owned property is administered by Internal Services.
County-owned real property that is not needed for County purposes and has been declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners is offered for sale to the general public via sealed bid.
Types of Available Property
County-owned properties differ widely in type and value. Parcels are typically vacant, although buildings are sold from time to time. Properties are of all types of zoning classifications, including residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural and interim use. Property may be located in unincorporated Miami-Dade County, or in any of the County's municipalities. Title to these properties may have originally come to the County via acquisition, dedication, tax escheatment, condemnation or other court judgment. Parcels may or may not be developable under current zoning regulations, and property is typically sold or leased on an as-is, where-as basis.
If sold rather than leased, title is conveyed in all cases in the form of a County Deed, which is similar to a Quit Claim Deed. In some instances, the property is leased or sold with restrictions on the manner in which the property may be used by the lessee or purchaser.
Internal Services is the official custodian of County-owned real property. The Internal Services' Real Estate Division maintains real property records and a database of all County-owned real property. Properties are categorized by tax folio number.
Acquiring County Real Property for Public or Private Use
Non-County governmental jurisdictions and eligible non-profit organizations may lease or purchase property that the County no longer needs. Such requests should be made in writing to the County mayor.
Upon receipt of such a request, the property is identified and screened for need by County agencies, and for the suitability of the proposed use intended by the recipient. If no County need is identified, and the intended use is for public purposes, the parcel may be declared surplus and transferred by lease or deed to the requesting entity by action of the Board of County Commissioners.
At the sole discretion of the Board, such transfers to public agencies and institutions may be made at fair market value, or at discounts of up to 100 percent of fair market value, under certain circumstances.
Surplus properties that are not conveyed by lease or sale to state and local governments or other eligible recipients for public purposes are sold to private individuals and companies by competitive bid. State law prohibits the non-competitive sale of publicly-owned property to private individuals and companies. The Real Estate staff try to balance benefits to local communities and maximize returns to taxpayers in moving unneeded County property to productive - and often tax-generating - use.
Property Sold or Leased to the General Public
Public sales or leases to private individuals or companies may be conducted in the form of a sealed bid, public auction, or request for proposal process. The appraised fair market value is used as a guide to sell or lease County real estate. Public lease and sale processes are advertised extensively through a variety of traditional media, over the Internet, via on-site signage, and with directed mailings to interested parties. Proceeds from property sales are returned to Miami-Dade County (either to the original holding agency or the General Fund) and are available for use in other County government endeavors.

People and Internal Operations
Raymond Hall, DirectorStephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Suite 2401
Miami, FL 33128