Surrendering Your Pet
Due to critical capacity and the high number of dogs and cats in need of homes Animal Services is asking our community to help us continue our life-saving mission by helping us manage our pet population and avoid surrendering pets unless absolutely necessary. Anyone who finds friendly stray pets should consider fostering them while helping to reunite the pet with their families.
Please visit Lost and Found Pets for additional information and tips to help the pet find their way back home.
Leaving your pet at a shelter can be a heartbreaking experience, but there are alternatives. We will work with you to find resources and solutions to keep you and your pet together. Surrendering your pet to a shelter should be your last resort.
Animal Services works with rescue groups, humane societies and offers rehoming assistance.
Before surrendering your pet, try to find a good home for it by asking family and friends, sharing it online, or putting up flyers at veterinarian offices in your neighborhood.
Try using resources like Home To Home™, an interactive platform created to help families, people and pets with the difficult task of finding a new home. Once your profile is created people interested in fostering or adopting a new pet can view your pet profile on Home To Home and then reach out to you directly.
Related FAQs
Phone Number(s)
Customer Service
Locations and Hours
All Pet Surrender Locations

Animal Services
Annette Jose, DirectorPet Adoption and Protection Center
3599 NW 79 Avenue,
Doral, FL 33122