Report Animal Nuisance

Barking dogs or noisy birds may be in violation of Ordinance 21-28 (c). If you would like to report a potential violation of the noise ordinance, you may call the Miami-Dade Police Department’s non-emergency line at 305-476-5423. Officers from the Neighborhood Resource Unit will respond and address accordingly. Once the police arrive to the violator's residence and they hear the dogs or animals, they can automatically issue a fine which is $100. Failure to pay the fine will result in a lien of the home. 

Homeowners who rent their property may be responsible for their tenant's dog or animals. Please remind tenants to keep their dogs and other animals quiet, because the homeowner will be ultimately responsible for payment of any fines. Please contain noisy birds. Keep barking dogs inside, muzzled, or trained not to bark or else you can get fined every time the police arrive to your home and hear barking dogs or any noisy animal. 

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Animal Services

Annette Jose, Director

Pet Adoption and Protection Center
3599 NW 79 Avenue, Doral, FL 33122

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