Get an Animal Trap
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All Animal Traps Locations

Animal Services
Annette Jose, DirectorPet Adoption and Protection Center
3599 NW 79 Avenue,
Doral, FL 33122
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Animal traps are used to humanely remove animals from private property. Once safely trapped, residents should bring cats and dogs to the Pet Adoption and Protection Center. Animals will be scanned for microchips and if found to have one, their owners will be contacted.
Residents can request a trap from Animal Services through the Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) program. Cat traps are available free of charge but require a $50.00 refundable deposit and may picked up and returned to the Pet Adoption and Protection Center. Cat traps must be returned within ten days and are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
Animal Services does not provide dog traps to the public.
Animal Control Officers may decide to set up a trap if they are unable to catch a stray dog. If the officer places the trap to capture an animal and you are present when the trap is placed, you can be trained on how to re-set the trap if it gets locked without the animal inside.
If you decide to purchase a dog trap, you are responsible for the humane capture and care of the animal or you can report the stray.
Pet Adoption and Protection Center
3599 NW 79 Avenue,
Doral, FL 33122
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