Emergency Housing Assistance Program for County Employees

Through the Emergency Housing Assistance Program, Miami-Dade County employees may be eligible to cash out their accrued leave time to pay current or past-due rent or mortgage payments.

Employees would be allowed to request one-time, irrevocable cash out of the value of annual leave not to exceed $12,000 gross pay. The leave payout will be subject to applicable federal taxes, and the value of the payout will be included as Florida Retirement System (FRS) wages. Additionally, employees may be subject to an audit to ensure the funds were utilized for the intended purpose.

This program is applicable to all Miami-Dade County employees and all other County employees within collective bargaining units, provided that written consent of the applicable collective bargaining agents is obtained to provide this benefit to bargaining unit employees.  

Emergency Housing Assistance Procedure

The application form and relevant documentation must be submitted to the DPR or designee who will review and approve. The approved package will then be forwarded by the DPR to the Human Resources Department (HR), Personnel Time and Attendance Division for processing.

Online Options

Human Resources

Melanie McLean, Interim Director

Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
21st Floor
Miami, FL 33128

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