Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
Auto Repairs
It is illegal to perform major auto repairs in a residential area in unincorporated Miami-Dade County.
Work permitted
Auto repairs in residential zoning districts are limited to these situations:
- The property owner or tenant owns the automobile being repaired
- Repair work takes place only during daylight hours
- While being repaired, the automobile shall not be parked in the front of the main building on the property, unless the side yard or rear yard are not accessible
Only minor repairs – completed within 72 hours – are allowed, such as:
- Change of tires
- Replacement of battery
- Change of oil
- Replacement of brakes
- Engine tune-up, etc.
Work prohibited
- Repairs not completed within 72 hours
- Repairs that involve the removal or lifting of major components, such as the vehicle engine or transmission
- Work that requires the placement of the automobile on blocks with the tires removed
Illegal auto repairs are subject to the issuance of a Courtesy Warning Notice.
Both the tenant and property owner may receive notices in connection with enforcement. However, the property owner is ultimately responsible for compliance.
Failure to comply will result in a ticket to the property owner and tenant, in accordance with Chapter 8CC of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances.
Penalties accrue and a lien may be placed on the property if the fines, enforcement costs and administrative costs are not paid or the violation not corrected.
Additional time for compliance may be granted on Courtesy Warning Notices. Call the Neighborhood Regulations office at 786-315-2552 to request an extension.
Ticket Amounts:
- $510: first offense
- $1,010: subsequent offense
- Section 33-15 of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances

Contact Us
To report a possible neighborhood code violation
Call 311 or email [email protected].
For more information
Call the Neighborhood Regulations Division at 786-315-2552.
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