Permit fees include other fees assessed by other service areas, agencies and/or departments involved in the permitting process, including, but not limited to:
- Miami-Dade Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW)
- Miami-Dade Development Services Division
- Miami-Dade Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM)
- Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department (MDFR)
- Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD)
- State of Florida (septic tanks) (DOH-HRS)
- Review the Building Fee Schedule to determine fees required for the issuance of a Miami-Dade County building permit.
Permit Fee Sheets must be submitted as part of a permit application when applying for electrical, mechanical or plumbing permits. Fee sheets break down the cost of permit by category. There are three categories of permit fee sheets:
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department
Check the Fire Prevention Fee Schedule related to fire life safety and new construction inspections, plan review and establishment of emergency vehicle zones.
Miami-Dade Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM)
Learn more about Environmental Fees & Citations, including the cost of processing permits and reviewing plans.Miami-Dade Development Services Division
Miami-Dade County collects impact fees for Road, Fire and Emergency Services, Police Services, Parks and Educational Facilities. Visit Impact Fees for more information.
Premise Permit Fee
In accordance with provisions of the Florida Building Code and Chapter 10 Miami-Dade County Code, each firm or organization in Miami-Dade County that performs its own maintenance work with certified maintenance personnel, as well as helpers there under, may pay to Miami-Dade County an annual master and Subsidiary Facility Permit (Premise Permit) fee in lieu of other fees for maintenance work.
Such fee must be paid to Miami-Dade County and such permit must be renewed annually at a fee. - Refunds
To request a refund, submit a completed Refund Affidavit to [email protected] and a copy of the payment receipt, if available.
Please be aware that refunds will not be granted on requests involving:
- Permit fees of $130 or less
- Expired permits
- Permits where work has commenced
- Permits revoked by the Building Official or canceled by court order
- When there is a change of contractor
A full refund less $130 or 50% of the permit fee, whichever is greater rounded to the nearest dollar, shall be granted to the permit holder providing that:
- The department receives a written request from the permit holder requesting cancellation and refund
- The permit must already have been cancelled in accordance with the cancellation procedures
- The permit holder submits with the request the original validated copy of the permit card. If the validated copy of the permit is not available, the permit holder must complete the attached affidavit and submit it with a copy of the canceled check
- No work has been performed under the permit
- The permit is still valid, the permit has not been revoked, and/or the cost of the permit exceeded $130
For refunds of an overcharge of permit fees, the following must be submitted:
- Letter from the permit holder requesting a refund explaining the overcharge
- Copy of the validated permit card
- The permit must still be valid and not have been revoked
Full refunds are granted only in cases where an error has occurred on the part of the department, such as in cases where the permit is issued for work outside the jurisdiction of the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources.
To cancel a permit, submit a completed permit cancellation form to [email protected].
Cancellations where no work has been performed:
To cancel a permit where the work will not be taking place, the following must be submitted.
- The Request for Permit Cancellation form completed by the contractor/ permit holder/ property owner requesting permit cancellation and stating no work has been performed. The form must include the permit number, job address, reasons for cancellation and a contact name and telephone number. If the contractor is no longer available or unwilling to submit the form the request can be made by the property owner. If the permit is valid at the time of request for cancellation and the permit holder is not submitting the request, then the property owner will be required to complete a hold harmless letter. Please note that in cases where a hold harmless letter is required there will be a 10-working day waiting period prior to cancellation. Additionally, the department will notify all interested parties (original permit holders and all subsidiary permit holders) of the cancellation request.
- Original validated permit
- Job set of plans(if applicable must be on the job site at the time of inspection)
- If the permit is expired a fee of $72 is required at the time of cancellation request. Note, this fee is subject to a 7.5% surcharge
Additionally, you will be required to complete the work covered under the scope of the permit and obtain all mandatory inspections. If the permit has expired, you will be required to have it re-issued prior to proceeding with the work and obtaining the mandatory inspections. Further, the department will issue a notice of violation and open a case in our Regulation System to ensure appropriate action is taken. Failure to do so may result in the issuance of a civil violation notice or ticket requiring payment of a fine and correction of the violation.
Please be advised that your request will not be accepted if any of the required documentation is missing or in cases where work has commenced as evidenced by an inspection result entered in the computer system. In these cases, the work must be completed, and mandatory inspections obtained. If the permit has expired, it must be reissued prior to request for mandatory inspections.
Cancellations where work has been performed:
In the unique instances where work has been removed or the work was superseded by another permit, the following must be submitted:
- Request for Permit Cancellation Form completed by the permit holder certifying that the work was removed or superseded by another permit number (provide specific permit number). The form must include the permit number, job address, and a contact name and telephone number. If the contractor is no longer available or unwilling to submit the letter, the request can be made by the property owner.
- For cases where the work has been removed, the applicant is required to have the job copy of the plans at the site. An inspection will be performed to verify the work has been removed. Following the performance of the inspection, if it is determined the work was removed, then the permit will be canceled. However, if the work still exists an additional inspection fee will be assessed against the permit. Additionally, you will be required to complete the work covered under the scope of the permit and obtain all mandatory inspections. If the permit is expired, you must have the permit reissued prior to obtaining mandatory inspections. Further, the department will issue a notice of violation and open a case in our Regulation System to ensure appropriate action is taken. Failure to do so may result in the issuance of a civil violation notice or ticket requiring payment of a fine and correction of the violation.
- In cases where a permit has been superseded by a new permit, the requesting party must submit copies of the permit and plans relating to the old and new number. An inspection may be scheduled for further determination of the work performed. Once the department is satisfied that there is a duplicate, the permit will be canceled.
- If the permit is expired a fee of $72 is required at time of cancellation request. Note, this fee is subject to a 7.5% surcharge.
A contractor who is no longer going to perform work on a project must send the department a letter advising of this fact and include a copy of the permit. The letter must include the permit number, job address and an explanation as to why the permit is being surrendered. In the case of the qualifying agent separating from the employ of the contractor, you must also provide a copy of the change of affiliation request submitted to the Miami-Dade County Construction Trade Qualifying Board or the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board with a list of all active permits. A hold will be placed under the permit to prevent inspections until the owner has completed the hold harmless process to change the perm it into the name of the new contractor. The perm it holder and property owner will receive written notification with reference to the change of contractor requirements.
Cancellations when the owner will hire a new contractor:
The owner of the property will need to submit a Miami-Dade County Hold Harmless Letter Form. The Hold Harmless Letter needs to be signed by the owner of the property and in cases where the change is for a subsidiary permit, then by the general contractor as well. The signatures must be notarized. The Hold Harmless Letter and the application from the new contractor must be submitted to the Department of Permitting, Environment and Regulatory Affairs office. There will be a 10-day waiting
period for the change of contractor to become effective. Please refer to the Department of Permitting, Environment and Regulatory Affairs Fee Schedule for applicable fees.
For reference, you may download the Procedures for Refunds and Permit Cancellations.
For more assistance, call Permit Records from Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 786-315-2100 or email [email protected].
Online Options
Permit Submission Portal
Permitting and Inspection Center
Edward A. Rojas
Permitting and Inspection Center
11805 SW 26th Street,
Miami, FL 33175