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Extreme Heat Action Plan

In November 2021, Miami-Dade Chief Heat Officer Jane Gilbert launched the Climate and Heat Health Task Force in partnership with The Miami Foundation to guide the development of the Extreme Heat Action Plan. The 15-member task force was co-chaired by Jane Gilbert, Chief Heat Officer and Dr. Cheryl Holder, physician, professor and community advocate. The task force included two community members with lived experience of extreme heat and key stakeholders from the National Weather Service, State Health Department, municipal partners, County, university, private sector, and community-based organizations. Through a series of workshops, the Task Force engaged 298 residents, stakeholders and professional experts to learn more about the issues and recommend actions. These recommendations were then prioritized into short-term actions.

The actions in this plan are designed to address the health and economic burdens of extreme heat while also advancing co-benefits, such as promoting local jobs or reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in line with the County’s other Resilience plans. The plan prioritizes the people who are most at risk and addresses inequities in areas of the County that have been underserved in the past and are burdened today. This is a community-driven plan, and its success depends on our collective engagement and action.