Economic Development


  • Operates a system of airports that provides for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods while being responsive to the needs of customers and safeguarding the environment.
  • Business Opportunities i.e., Restaurants, Retail, etc. in the Airport.

Port Miami

Port Miami
  • Landlord-port: leasing agreements with private companies for cruise and cargo operation. 
  • Provide police and security, fire, and emergency services throughout the port.

Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources

Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources
  • Review permit/licensing applications and conduct code enforcement activities related to compliance with applicable building, zoning, planning, environmental, platting, traffic, and industry-specific codes and regulations.
  • Resilience planning and countywide initiative coordination and implementation.

Miami-Dade Economic Advocacy Trust

Miami-Dade Economic Advocacy Trust
  • Provides small business grants to businesses within the Targeted Urban Areas (TUAs). 
  • Provides educational workshops and marketing opportunities to help start and grow small businesses.