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Section 8 Single Room Occupancy Program

The Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program in Miami-Dade County offers project-based rental assistance for very low and low-income single, homeless individuals. It operates in privately-owned rehabilitated buildings, totaling approximately 200 units. The program assists building owners by providing rental assistance tied to the owner, rather than the tenant, ensuring continuity even if tenants move.

Participants pay no more than 30% of their annual adjusted income as rent. The program involves a 10-year contract between the building owner and Miami-Dade Housing and Community Development upon completion of structure rehabilitation. Structures may vary in amenities, depending on local code requirements, with a maximum of 100 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Rooms allowed per building.

Owners are responsible for relocating existing tenants before rehabilitation, with all associated costs included in the rents. For income eligibility details, applicants can refer to the provided income limits table.