Staying Well Together
Miami-Dade County Human Resources, Benefits and Employee Support Services Division is here to help you make the most of your life in these challenging times. The Benefits and Employee Support Services Division offers the following programs and services to support you during the pandemic; Employee Support Services, MS Stream Technology for ease in accessing our benefit video presentations, flu shot offerings, wellness education and events through AvMed and Healthyroads, our very own virtual 5K, financial education virtual workshops and more.
SWORD Health - SWORD Health offers a virtual physical care program for employees enrolled in one of the County's AvMed health plans and their covered family members 18 years and older.
Bloom - Bloom pelvic-health care is now available to Miami-Dade County enrolled employees and their spouses and dependents age 18+ with vaginal anatomy at no additional cost as part of your health plan.
MS Stream - Watch open enrollment and benefit plan videos presented by the Benefits team and plan providers to learn more about the Open Enrollment period and the benefit options available to you.
Employee Support Services - Provides a confidential service to employees whose personal problems affect their ability to function on the job, at home or in society.
Financial Education - Visit the FRS and Deferred Compensation plan provider websites to learn about financial workshops and other education tools to help you plan and secure your financial future.
Wellness - Check out the current and upcoming events sponsored by Miami-Dade County WellnessWorks to support your journey to healthy living.
AvMed - Get the most from Your AvMed medical plan by taking advantage of these valuable services.
View Your Current Benefits
- Log in to INFORMS
- Select the Employee Self-Service tile
- Then select the Benefit Details tile
People and Internal Operations
Raymond Hall
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Suite 2401
Miami, FL 33128