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Helping employees make healthy choices

Michael Bello at an outdoor event holding a coconut
Ask WellnessWorks Coordinator Michael Bello what makes him thrive and he is quick to tell you that it is helping our employees make healthy lifestyle choices. Mike joined the County just over two years ago and hit the ground running to expand the Human Resources Department’s wellness program in the midst of a pandemic. While in-person events were almost at a standstill, he was able to pivot and get creative.

His background and past work experience as a clinical exercise physiologist for 11 years contributed to his ability to flesh out existing programs. His people skills have enabled him to learn about the unique needs of all County departments, connect with others and create additional outreach opportunities. He works to make sure that employees in every corner of the County on all shifts are able to participate and get the information they need to be healthier.

“I’m determined to break down any barriers that prevent us from rolling out new programs and engaging employees. We have tried to switch things up to be available before the sun rises to meet with employees at Solid Waste and Transit. We stay late and coordinate weekend events to reach others. We have quarterly steps challenges, annual steps challenges, muscle building and fat loss challenges. All these are available to support healthier living," said Michael.

During the pandemic we distributed face masks, made fruit deliveries and involved employees in steps challenges so they could stay active independently. We were able to keep our coaches active online with virtual webinars and personal coaching sessions," said Michael.

Michael is motivated by the response of County department personnel who engage with WellnessWorks. "The goal is to create continuous improvement and excellence. To achieve that, you make employees healthier so they are better at their roles and happier overall. It’s also important to provide unbiased empirically-based information to debunk the myths that have polluted the wellness industry as well. With a great team that includes our WellnessWorks assistant, AvMed coaches and our incredible group of wellness liaisons, we are going to get this done.”

What’s next on the horizon? Mike wants to keep the wellness momentum going.

“We can’t slow down or rest. In between the events and programs in the works, we need employees to complete their Personal Health Assessment screening, biometric screening, use their Fit Bits and stay active. As our mayor says, everyone should keep their vaccinations up to date and protect themselves, their families and others. We are going to do this together, it’s how our organization will stay resilient in 2023."

Michael believes he should lead by example. To him, that means working hard to support our County family and providing them with a WellnessWorks Program that keeps them thriving.

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