Credit and Collection's Team Helping During the Pandemic

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When faced with the devastating COVID-19 pandemic, Finance Credit and Collection Section stepped up and assisted the community with various outreach projects with Community Action and Human Service Department (CAHSD), Strategic Urban Response to Guideline Education (SURGE), and the Hospitality Industry Grant Program (HIG). Projects included helping to contain and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 and assist with County programs that were adversely impacted. Efforts lasted over a year.

CAHSD Community Action and Human Service Department – Senior Meals Project
The County’s temporary meals service for seniors was established to help elderly residents stay safer at their homes during the pandemic, and our team immediately stepped in to make this project a success. Team members were tasked with the responsibilities of contacting seniors for available food services, verifying information, and entering data in the HUB, correcting errors, handling meal requests, eliminating duplicate referrals, assessing seniors’ eligibility for the meal’s initiative, and conducting problem solving measures to help the project mitigate the crisis faced by seniors. The team was instrumental in helping to service over 5 million meals during the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

SURGE Strategic Urban Response to Guideline Education – SURGE Teams deployed to educate the ''hot zones''
When education was key to spread preventive recommendations and supplies our team was there to help others be safe. Team member responsibilities included, passing out preventive COVID materials to what was known as hot zones for Miami Dade County citizens, as well as educating those on CDC and social distance guidelines to prohibit the spread of the COVID virus.

The Hospitality Industry Grant (HIG) Program – Courier services
When the hospitality industry was struggling to survive our team stepped up and delivered assistance checks. Team members provided courier services delivering grant checks to stabilize South Florida’s independently owned and operated restaurants and non-home based caters affected by COVID-19.

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