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Serving our County with pride

kathryn mcmillan white

Kathryn McMillan-White is an accountant 2 with the Tax Collector. She is an advocate for good customer service. She excels in her role in the refund section because of her perspective as a consumer of County services.

"My goal is to always treat others the way I want to be treated. Because I am a consumer, I understand the importance of receiving exceptional customer service. This is why it is my daily goal to make a difference in the lives of at least two to three people I encounter, even if only with a smile," McMillan-White said.

McMillan-White adds, "Every time I see or speak with someone, whether a coworker or an external customer, I try to make them feel they are important. After all, as public servants, we have been entrusted with representing Miami-Dade County."

McMillan-White joined the County in April 2005 as an account clerk for the Parks and Recreations Department. She transferred to the Office of the Tax Collector, which was part of the Finance Department then, and joined the accounting team in 2008.

As a member of the refund section, McMillan-White handles Tax Paying Agent (TPA) inquiries. She signs them up to do business with the Office of the Tax Collector.

"Kathryn is awesome. I love her work ethic. She's always willing to go the extra mile to assist taxpayers and anyone she encounters," said her supervisor Carla Cunningham. "She is caring and takes pride in what she does."

Demonstrating excellent customer service skills and fortitude with taxpayers who call or visit for guidance, McMillan-White has received many commendation letters and calls from those she has helped. She was recognized for her exemplary work with the Employee of the Quarter 2023 award.

With more than 18 years as a Miami-Dade County employee, McMillan-White has impacted the lives of our residents by always addressing their needs without hesitation and with a positive attitude.

McMillan-White is a busy plant and pet mom when not at work and enjoys time with her family and grandkids. She is also a dedicated crafter.

"The pandemic changed us all. Some of the changes may have been good. It brought us closer and made us all more present and mindful of our time together," McMillan-White shared. "It has made us appreciate a kind thought or word more."

"Just yesterday, a customer told me they could feel my smile over the phone," she added. "I felt accomplished to hear that. I want our customers to know we appreciate them and serve them with pride."

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