Written Exam Testing for Miami-Dade County Jobs
Qualifying on a pre-employment examination provides the applicant with an opportunity to compete for vacant positions. Frequently, there are many more qualified applicants than there are positions to fill. If you have questions regarding a specific position, you are encouraged to contact the hiring department directly.
If you applied for a position that requires a written examination, and you have met the minimum qualifications, you will be scheduled to take the test. Test schedule information -- including details such as the date, time, and test location -- is available online via the Test Notification System or by calling 305-375-0297, selecting option 2, and responding to the prompts.
Eligible List For a Tested Position
Once you qualify on a pre-employment examination, your name will be included on the list of applicants eligible for further consideration. This list will be available to the department that initiated the recruitment.
Eligible lists are certified and valid for one year unless fewer than three names remain on the list. At the hiring department's request, a list may be extended up to a maximum of two additional years. As positions become available, applicants on the eligible list may be contacted by the hiring department to continue the screening and selection process.
Study Guides/Supplemental Information
Study guides are not normally provided and in the rare event they are provided, their availability will be noted on the job announcement. For supplemental information relating to the tested positions, the applicant may be advised to access a link on the hiring department's website.
After the Test
Eligible lists are usually valid for one year but under certain circumstances can be extended up to an additional two years. However, the life of the list is frequently determined by the number of eligible applicants on it and the number of positions that become available during the same time period.
As positions become vacant, the hiring department may contact candidates on the list for additional steps in the hiring process. You need to make sure your contact information in your profile remains current.
Reviewing Test Results
Test results will be accessible only after the eligible list has been certified. Applicants may access their test results online by logging into the Test Notification System or by calling 305-375-0297. Once an eligible list has been certified, an applicant may request an appointment to review his or her examination. Only applicants who participated in a written examination are permitted to review the content therein.
To protect the integrity of the testing process, notes may not be taken and electronic devices cannot be used to record the review session. Applicants must bring a valid form of photo ID in order to review test results. To make an appointment to review your examination, please call 305-375-2683.
Rescheduling an Appointment
As a matter of policy, examinations cannot be rescheduled. Applicants that will be on active military duty during a test date may reschedule an appointment by contacting Human Resources at [email protected] before the test date and as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ready to Apply for a Job?
To get started, first create your account. Once you’ve created your account, you can even set up a job agent that'll send opportunities directly to your email.
If you created an applicant profile before June 15, please register and create a new profile to apply for available positions. Miami-Dade County has implemented a new system, and applicant profiles created in the previous platform have not transferred. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Learn more about requirements and County employment policies:

People and Internal Operations
Raymond Hall
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Suite 2401
Miami, FL 33128